"We live in a country where John Lennon takes eight bullets, Yoko Ono is walking right beside him and not one hits her. Explain that to me!" - Denis Leary
"We live in a country where John Lennon takes eight bullets, Yoko Ono is walking right beside him and not one hits her. Explain that to me!" - Denis Leary
Mickey: You gave me gonorhea and you didn't even tell me!
She's this year's Sullenberger.
Stay classy, Christina.
Or put him on the PUP list.
I don't mind musical numbers during monologues. Thanks to the FF button, they get me to the end of the show 3 minutes quicker.
Oops. Rugby.
Good news. Time for some of these people to finally start paying some real penalties for the crimes they commit. I hope "faces up to 10 years in prison" = "is sentenced to 10 years in prison".
As if we needed another reason to avoid libraries and stick with the internets instead.
Your face?? Riiiiight.
"Facebook: can't live with it, can't live without it
At least you keep your nails clean. :-)
I prefer it when Apple fanboys stick to the great things their phones can do.
I was hesitant at first, but the article makes some compelling points. I wouldn't necessarily want to be the first person treated by a robot, just like I would never buy the first year model of any new car, but after the bugs are fleshed out and fixed, I'd be ok with it.
I see what you're saying, but Asians didn't exactly "colonize" North America, they just sort of migrated over the land bridge before it disappeared. They were not looking for new lands to claim in the name of their nations' flags, and they did not do much in the way of populating the area. It was England, Spain,…
I think you're right. I hadn't considered topography.
Ok, I see what you mean now. Thanks.
Favorite song ever: "The Piano Has Been Drinking".
I wonder, if the US was colonized by Asians instead of Europeans and population spread from the west to the east, if the image would have ended up being reversed.