
Exactly, no pushing. This woman was not forced to do anything. And one doesn't have to be special or awesome to not kill themselves after a bit of embarrassment. A sane, normal person would laugh it off and get on with their life. Happens every day.

Sad that it happened, but blaming the DJs is misguided. There simply wasn't any "pushing" going on in that prank call.

So basically celebrities are just as childish, petty and stupid as regular people. Good to know.

While adding "acting" to his resume, he also managed to remove "professional quarterback" from it.

If being the victim of a harmless prank sends you over the edge, you were probably too close to that edge to begin with.

I'm from Miami, so, can someone please tell me, what's a "sweater"?

Hmm. Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

While the pedant pounds his fists and stomps his feet, the rest of the world flows past him without even noticing.

Aw, someone knocked over that trippy looking shot glass. :-)

So by "very first stars" you mean the first ones the christian god attached to the firmament, right?

The only thing missing is the $34,700 price tag, and the fact that the entire limited edition is sold out.

Nice. But only 4? What a tease.

Good point. Douchey way of making it though.

Haters don't have real jobs?

There is nothing attractive about this photo. The hair, the eyes, the complexion, just ugh.

This only works if you spend all day, every day, picking up pennies. Considering it's usually only a one-shot deal, the energy expended in picking up a penny is worth more than a penny. Plus, you're stuck with a useless metal disc. So it's a net loss. No penny is ever really "worth" picking up.

Not only would I never stoop to pick up a a penny, I always drop pennies rather than burden myself with them. They're not even worth the extra weight in my pocket.

What's that? Something about the Tab key?

The point of android skins is to keep android guts from spilling out all over the floor.

"I don't mean to sound forward. I mean, I know I hardly know you. But I don't think we're gonna live through this. And... I've never been with a man before..."