As long as search engines exist, I would not pay for Wiki.
As long as search engines exist, I would not pay for Wiki.
If Taylor's record is a sham, then so is Chamberlain's.
Since TV's goal is not to entertain but to advertise, they started tossing that in to the middle of their breaks to get you to release the FF button and maybe watch a commercial or two.
Why even write when you can just copy from your neighbor's paper?
I can't think of a question about cooking turkey that I can't find the answer to with a simple Google search, so I'll just ask this. What's so wrong with Stove Top? Or really, why should anybody break their back in the kitchen when so many simpler solutions are so readily available?
Just watched the video clip. Driving while crying hysterically is probably more dangerous than driving while high on weed.
Wow, that's pretty bad. I'm curious, when this happened, did you respond? If so, did it get worse? If not, did it go away?
I think to some degree we're all good actors in real life. Can you imagine if you spoke out loud every thought that came into your head? YMMV, but if I did that, I would probably become the most hated person in each of my social circles, and probably wouldn't be a member of those circles for long.
People will often use the internet as an outlet for their anger because it's essentially anonymous. Except for rare occasions, they cannot be held accountable for what they write. I believe these same people, when faced with real world consequences for what they say or do, would probably act differently. Me, when I…
I know it's easy to say, "don't give them the power" but really, if someone posts something shocking just to get a rise out of me, the biggest mistake I can make is to respond in anger. They'll feed off of this and I'll never get rid of them.
No, I don't think they are. Or if they are, the term "vastly outnumbered" is meaningless when there are tens or hundreds of millions of places to choose from. Habitable planets are vastly outnumbered in our universe by inhabitable planets, but that doesn't mean there aren't millions of habitable planets out there.
I think a lot of hateful people on the internet are the exact opposite in real life. Many trolls and flamers use the internet as a way to get anger out of their system, so it doesn't come out in their personal interactions.
Actually, there are many places on the internet where politeness is the norm, and "deep hatred" is rare and met with chirping crickets.
The internet is home to some of the deepest hatred the world has ever seen and it is growing
I didn't say this story isn't crap, I said most of Reddit is crap.
Call it whatever you want, for whatever reasons you choose. A building that rises 2,749 is by definition an engineering feat.
Black Friday is a celebration of the absolute mastery of clever marketers over mindless consumers.
So instead of marveling at an engineering feat, let's all piss on it, because, you know, China.
To be fair, many 9-year old girls are already better than Tebow.