I just give cash money. Buy something nice. Buy something stupid. Pay your electric bill. I don't care.
I just give cash money. Buy something nice. Buy something stupid. Pay your electric bill. I don't care.
Since most of Reddit is crap, I appreciate that there are those willing to sort through it for the occasional interesting tidbits and bring them back here. This way I never have to visit that site myself.
A business card with a portrait orientation. Ugh.
You shouldn't anthropomorphize vehicles anyway. They hate that.
Hah. Pearls before swine. I won't even bother to mention potato kugel. It makes latkes look like, well, like a potato omelet. :-P
Well, when terrorists have sworn to eliminate your people from the planet, and fire hundreds if not thousands of missiles into your nation, you probably can't be blamed for keeping your defenses strong.
I've always preferred the Ring Ding® to the Ding Dong®, the Swiss Cake Roll® to the Ho Ho® and Zingers® to Twinkies® anyway, so I will not be affected.
There are usually around three humorous moments in a typical 90 minute SNL episode. And usually, two of them are from Seth Meyers. The Avengers sketch was not one of last night's three.
Even E. coli?
Wouldn't surprise me if Rick Schatz turned out to be a closet coprophiliac.
You use your phone in the bathroom?
I'll never understand Deadspin. I used to think it was for people who liked sports. Turns out it's for people who like to piss and moan and spew childish snark about people who like sports.
Excellent quote from Netanyahu, it underscores the real reason that this conflict continues.
If the Israelis can kill 100 Palestinians for every Israeli Hamas kills, then it's almost, but not quite, an even conflict.
It's a Catholic school, so, Jesus?
And rule the world.
Sounds like Spooks, the LARP from Charles Stross' "Halting State".
Well played.
So that would be a hard in?