I guess when you look at life through "I hate Apple" glasses, you see things that aren't there.
I guess when you look at life through "I hate Apple" glasses, you see things that aren't there.
"scrabble" is absolutely acceptable, but only worth 14 points, so, not really a good choice.
Cool. But would be much cooler in grey scale.
It's been my experience that when a desk is that clean, little work gets done at it. YMMV.
Republican guys over the age of 60, you mean.
I would guess that, barring any religious or spiritual impediments, the most "normal" process for eliminating the dead would be cremation. You don't want decomposing diseased flesh contaminating anything living so the safest, most practical and most efficient way to dispose of a human body while rendering it harmless…
Can we please not call these people journalists? Thank you.
It's been a while (Class of 85) but as I recall, we had to choose between biology, chemistry and physics. I chose biology because, well, dissecting small animals offered an appeal to a high school boy that memorizing equations could never even aspire to.
Stuck behind a firewall so I can't watch the video, but I will say I learned about the Big Bang Theory, the structure of atoms and Einstein's equation, and I never took Physics. I was taught those subjects in general high school science classes.
Not for nothing, but the letters in "lllacme plenipes" can be rearranged to spell "Sell penile clamp".
I like it. It's quirky. But it only really works with an exposed brick interior. It would seem out of place on most any other surface.
That is brilliant. Society can dictate appropriate behavior, just that group, at that moment in that location.
Buckets are far superior, but bags are cheaper. :-(
Stomping on other shoppers' heads can be exhilarating. You can't get that feeling online.
And somehow Jack Donovan Foley gets all the credit.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I get to leave work when I leave work.