
His heroic story battling the injuries he received from this will soon be told in the tear jerking TV movie “Ryan’s Voglesong”

You mean we are going to have one of these posts and no one is going to respond with how stupid it is and what a waste of time it is? Cardinal fans quit faster than their team does.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

Was it in bad taste? Yes. Do we need to shock people into waking up and realizing that this kind of rhetoric isn’t ok and leads to horrific action? Also yes.

Well you were right about one thing, you definitely wasted your time commenting.

This is definitely th the right way® to kinja.

Get over yourself? Shit is gold.

This type of response is why these posts exist. Go beat your kids some more.

Times have changed. So now getting the sweater off is not considered first base, but gets you home plate instead?

I had to use Bing to get that reference

I continue to really enjoy this series. Keep up the good work Deadspin.

As long as there’s still 1 ‘best fan’ reading these articles, and irked enough to comment and subsequently cry into their morning cereal, we will push forward. To the very last! Best series in baseball.