
Yes, the economy is still going strong because of how the Obama administration set it up. Orange can’t take credit for that, though he does. I don’t see that lasting for more than another 2 years or so, unless Orange can be convinced not to make too many changes.

Nope, she is a true believer. She is just as despicable and full of shit as the rest of them. She’s on NBC talking about how great Trump and Kushner are and how our country has been so improved, is now respected, etc. Something is obviously going on.

F her.  She was a never Dumper until he gave her the UN Secy job.  She cannot be trusted.  As evidenced by her willingness to campaign for that POS.

Odds that he’ll drag his feet replacing her, since he really doesn’t like the UN?

That’s a good call.  This also allows her to play both sides of Republicans, she served in Trump administration, but has maintained enough distance to retain plausible deniability. 

Any potential reputation she’s trying to gain as a ‘serious’ or ‘bipartisan’ candidate flew out the window when she talked about how the UN was really laughing at Trump out of love and respect.

Lindsey Graham is up for election in 2020. Graham is either gonna be the next Attorney General or he’ll be damn near radioactive to voters (possibly both!) by then.

I don’t think she’s true believer, but absolutely an enabler. I think she now sees this gig as hurting her long term political goals, especially if she wants to appear in any way bipartisan or part of the group of serious people.

I trust our so-called white allies as far as I can throw them.

What so many often miss, but I think you got — is that, in both Trump’s win and the recent Kavanaugh debacle, the support of white women is crucial. Susan Collins comes (in)correct, and all the white women who were silent as he rolled forward. If Roe v. Wade is what the gold is, there was a woman waiting in the wings

Bette Midler is the epitome of why I find it difficult to fuck with many White liberals and progressives. Also, a retroactive FUCK YOU to Yoko Ono and that woman-beating shitbag John Lennon.

The whole issue lies in the concept of the ‘white ally’ itself. It still places whiteness at the centre of everything, which defeats the point somehow. It also feeds the vanity, rather than the conscience, of the same-old radical chic tossers who’ve postured lots and done very little for decades now. Bette Midler

The use of the n-word discredits the quotation from the get-go. I understand what it is supposed to mean - Women are at the bottom of the barrel of any group - so why not just say that? That would leave the view open to the fact that being at the bottom of the barrel can make for a varied set of experiences depending

So here we are once a damn again, another white woman is inconvenienced and her first reaction is to complain that they feel like they are being treated worse than Niggers. The history of the so called white female ally starts with Susan B. Anthony proclaiming that she rather give up her right arm than help a Negro

When I was growing up Bette was supposed to be cool and all that but I’ve been giving her the side-eye since the mid-nineties.

Circling back to Levar Burton, the replies to his tweet have peak women, mountain top white women, and all around privileged white men AND women attacking HIM and defend Bette. White liberals are not your friends when the lines are drawn.

Ta-Nehisi Coates once did an interview on a news show with a black ivy league professor. Mr. Coates felt that racism should just evaporate into thin air for no other reason than simple human decency. The professor calmly stated that racism would never cease to exist and that Mr. Coates should get over it. Mr Coates

The word is offensive. The word is loaded. The word is not edgy and not used to make comparisons. The word is a weapon and continues to be welded as such. You want to call out the mess that is this nomination process and its glaring affect upon rape culture? Look at your own Ms. Midler. Because their are plenty of