
My somewhat of a conspiracy theory believing family think some shit is going down in the next year or so. And that’s why they’re prepping. Under another administration, I’d probably be reluctant to believe ‘em. After all, while growing up, I did refused to believe my Dad about COINTELPRO and crack distribution

Let us just do Kanye like the Egyptians tried to do with Akhenaten. Just wipe him from the record, and never mention him again. It nearly worked for the Egyptians in regards to the “heretic” Akhenaten, but with our digital precision, I am sure Kanye can be reduced to nothingness.

I have so many feels about this Kavanaugh dumpster fire, and I really want Senator Harris to be on the Dream Team to save us from ourselves. I am not sure in what capacity though, as she is currently limitless in her ability to outclass her peers. That said, I never ever want the conservative opposition to take aim at

I’m just gonna put this out there. Black man, cops living in his complex, and he’s got weed.

I NEVER like Joe Biden and his treatment of Anita Hill was the main reason.

Folk talk about how hard it was to watch, and newer folk talk about how hard it is to watch now.

Nah - that mug shot had oxycontin written all over it, even after the three hours they gave her to straighten up first.

Daniels stressed that he “fought hard for her” to get the role and that Mon’Nique was paid the money she was owed for the budget he had.

White Supremacy handbook always says to come openly with violence to black girls, women and children. She’s a grandma, a nana, una abuelita.

Ironically, her running for governor without any political experience itself is white privilege. I do not like Cuomo. He is a pandering robot who comes off as genuine as a 7 dollar bill. If Cynthia Nixon earned her stripes by showing us that she could run any office, she could’ve possibly had my vote. We don’t need

Yes the people that work behind the scenes get a pass but I’m speaking about the actors excluding the child actors. But the adult actors? Nope. 

Notice this little white girl didn’t say a word in defense of her black and hispanic friends when her racist cop father terrorized them.  But screamed like a banshee when she got put in the car.

Don’t. fuck. with. white. girls. PERIOD. As a mother whether I have a boys or girls, my children will not be associating with white girls (or white boys) like this and certainly not if their father is a cop. But I suppose maybe this was communicated to these kids and the common thread is teenagers don’t listen.

They worked with her for a long while. They knew who she was. She has been this way since the 90’s, shit ain’t new.  They are complicit in this as well. None of them get a pass from me.  

Doing all this idiotic shit while being filmed by your own camera; white “supremacy” indeed.

Take a closer look and observe a particular fat and pasty piece of shit on the scene....tan shirt, blue shorts, sneakers no socks (ewwww...)

They are trying to rationalize a way out of the cognitive dissonance between what they want to believe and what actual fact is.

Hey, maybe she’s trying to get a spot on the spoken word section of Koonye’s “Slavery was a Choice” tour.

We should start by having someones other than old, white men taking these pictures...

I’m one of the (many) people who were initially taken aback by the photo and REALLY appreciated your nuanced exploration of the issues. And thanks for participating so thoughtfully in the comments section!!!