
During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them,

“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens’ Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a

I’m pretty sure that was just his brain mush getting crossed up between ‘don’t publicly talk about Whites and White issues. Just don’t even say the word White’ and ‘don’t publicly criticize the White House again’

Who had the best poker face, the Easter Bunny, whose face is sewed on or Melania, who is probably used to having to show no expression from all the times Donald has laid on top of her to do his “man business”?

That was the convo at my house as well. I’m totally okay with giving this trash a Hard Pass.

Wanda Sykes should be ashamed of her self.. maybe she didn’t sign up for that alt-right pro-Trump agenda but that’s what the show has become..

Normalizing MAGA - Exactly why I won’t watch it. Full disclosure, I was a fan of the show back in the day but when I think about it, I really didn’t know better back in 1994. I used to point out that if 44 did anything 45 does on a daily, FauxNews would have an impeachment countdown clock on the screen 24/7 but

Can’t trust a brother sleeping with the enemy

Absolutely agree about how women are leading and have been leading the activism in our community. I also think there is also something to there being more black women in the social circles of these millionaires that have careers, and passions, and are empowered. more black women in college, where these athletes first

1. My mama.

Black women are at the forefront of all major activism in our community, so it’s not surprising. I do know Savannah James is involved in mentorship and programs to help girls/women in her community. As much as I rail against White people and non-White Others for how they treat us, I still support people marrying

Remember how a certain prominent black celeb criticized the Black Lives Matter movement at it’s beginning? It was not quite a positive reaction. But now she’s been on board with the Parklland kids from day one and has donated a huge sum of money to support their movement. Truth must be spoken.

The WH/IQ45 are wishing them well to save face (and because they’re passive-aggressive trolls) but otherwise, agreed.

Why would anyone with any sense get drug tested wearing weave and why wouldn’t the officer administrating the task ask her to take it out before taking a sample? Both of these people are dumb as Hell.

This is how to be an ally. Recognizing one’s privilege, and not feeling guilty and defensive about , but using it to help bring some other people’s truths to the light, and calling out the ignorance at the same time.

So many Black teens marched after Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, and Mike Brown were killed by police officers. They did not have celebrity, mainstream media, and corporate support the way these kids do. One of my biggest complaints about Obama was that he didn’t support BLM enough in fear of pissing off Whites (who

I applaud the sentiment but, as with the Time cover, couldn’t he have done something about it? Like have one of them attend the discussion instead?

It sounds like she was there as a moderator, so it was clear that she wasn’t there to report on the event, and when they say, phones down, no recording, that is a pretty clear indication.

Does this carry echoes of Jesse Jacskon & Milton Coleman? Jesse thought his loose conversation with Coleman was off the record and in the spirit of brotherhood, but Coleman sneakily reporter Jesse’s “hymietown” remark.