
A perfect illustration of the fluidity of racism. The tenets change to suit the current circumstances and preferences.

A star for you today!


Scott Mendolson: #allwhitemoviesmatter

Hollywood loves successful movies.. but they love successful movies that fit within a mold they are comfortable with. When things outside of that mold happen, they freak out. And women as actual humans (not as extensions of Men), and Black people as again, adults, not needing to be rescued by some outsider or as a sex

What I’m essentially getting from his take is that Hollywood for decades have been typecasting and regulating black actors to secondary and tertiary roles because they were afraid whites couldn’t measure up.

We also know the bald warrior women of Black Panther’s Dora Milaje are the hottest women to hit the screen so far in 2018. More importantly, we know that folks sound ass-backwards, transphobic and homophobic as hell when they compare a woman who decides to undergo the “big chop” to a gender nonbinary person. Whatever

This needs to remain a cross post between The Root and Jezebel - or become its own thing with a large focus on intersectional feminism. Swoon.

Country music, along with the whole cowboy country-western thing, was appropriated from Mexican vaqueros.

REALLY well put, Michael. Point 3 is something I’ve been thinking a lot about in this context: like, unless you’re exclusively making bluegrass music, you owe a huge amount of credit to black artists. That’s a damn FACT. So where does cultural appropriation start and stop?

He’s an idiot on so many levels....and with a white girl no less. Bruthas never learn.

at some point you have to wonder what is going on with Common. Either he is in touch with the fact that he doesnt want to be tied down to anybody or he’s got some baggage he needs to address.

Even if Tiffany’s shtick is comically exaggerated Working-Class Black Girl? She’s building her brand recognition among the wider public precisely on the tribalism of her persona. You push her “on” button and a well-known type of “blackness” comes out. It’s a blackness that fits in that narrow sweet spot that makes it

I love you Roo, but it’s because she’s light skinned. People see her color first before they even find out she’s Dominican or Caribbean or whatever. I’m just saying.

Interesting how Cardi B is mentioned but no one wants to mention the elephant in the room. Has anyone noticed that there hasn’t been much complaining about Cardi’s “hoodness?” I remember a few people mentioning how her “ghettoness” is acceptable and celebrated thanks to being light skinned. Of course, many people

Even beyond the representational aspect, taken simply as a superhero movie; Black Panther is good. The story and characters have depth. There are plausible back stories. The heroes have flaws and make mistakes. There are troubling ethical questions with no clear answers. There is a believable and sympathetic villain.