This right chea. He could have walked in a friggin smock made of taped up Flamin’ Hot Cheetos long as he had that swagadocious-ass walk, we good.
This right chea. He could have walked in a friggin smock made of taped up Flamin’ Hot Cheetos long as he had that swagadocious-ass walk, we good.
Yeah, there’s this weird, unquenched bloodlust where they just hope a someone tries something so that they have an opportunity. They’re not spending money and time improving their door locks and safety measures, they’re improving their aim, banking on an attack being inevitable. It’s a strange mindset to me.
What I don’t get, and granted I’m not a person who cares about “stuff” is this need for protection. I’m going to kill someone to protect my stuff? My bother in law the gun nut says he’d shoot someone trying to steal his car. He’d kill someone over a car? Someone in his house running out? He’d shoot him too. I can get…
The Atlantic has become a loathesome rag.
I don’t know which is scarier, the one’s who won’t admit that they own a firearm so that they can kill someone, instead extolling how “fun” it is to fire one off at the range or the ones who happily admit that’s what they want it for.
(which, it should be noted, is chump change in comparison with the film’s 10-day global box-office gross)
This is the problem I have. I’m balding on the sides in the front from auto-immune issues, so I have the sides and the back shaved, but the top is long enough that it hits the top of my neck most of the time. I want to just go all the way and shave my whole head, but I’ve definitely got fat rolls in the back that I’m…
I did the big chop in late October (not October 2017, it’s been 9 or 10 years) and while I really liked having short, easy-to-deal-with hair, my head and neck were cold all winter. Scarves and hats and hoods for life! I was like “Why didn’t I do this in June?”
I think that’s next.
Team Monique all day. Canceled my subscription after hearing how she was low balled. It’s hard to stand up for something. Black women carry everything.
Mo’Nique is right. Black is often devalued because it is black. Women are often lowballed because they are women.
The Nixon Southern Strategy was successful and the republican party is the racist party. Michael Steele has serious psychological issues to debase himself with their company.
Yup. #TeamMonique
And when I read the title of this article I thought we would have her saying something heinous but Michael’s issue was her pet name for her husband. Bruh, really?? That’s so weak and this feels like a play for clicks at best and at worst another example of piling on Mo’Nique because she is a Black woman with demands.
As this situation goes along and I hear more and more arguments on how wrong Mo’Nique is, the more I sympathize with her. I did not originally agree with her methods and felt like she should have used positive reinforcement (watch all my content, spike the views etc) because boycotts just don’t work the same anymore…
It’s a shame you didn’t know who this swamp creature was prior to this week. She’s the vile pig that has been posting videos on her Twitter feed threatening everyone from The NY Times and Washington Post to anyone that doesn’t pay complete and utter fealty to The NRA. She’s gone after everyone from Barack Obama to The…
It’s official: Black Panther is a blockbuster hit, and our feelings will never be done with this film. This movie…
Never forget, this man is first and foremost from the Caribbean. (shout out to my Trini people).
M’Baku and the Jabari Tribe are Alphas: