Looks like a white Hispanic then. A la Zimmerman.
Looks like a white Hispanic then. A la Zimmerman.
How about White politicians being shot by other White people?
As one of my co-workers so bleakly put it, when Americans couldn’t be bothered to give up their guns after the Newton, Conn. school shooting, then they never would.
First of all.
But this woman is emblematic of the reason we have Trump. Complete unawareness and disregard, for others knowing white privilege will always protect and insulate her from the realities faced by others. The idea that you can break bread with racists, and not be racist, isn’t a badge of forward thinking, it’s a…
I have to say the last couple of years have been great at helping me decide which “friends” and family members I should actually care about. So I’ll probably be an alcoholic with paranoid personality disorder by the end of Trump’s presidency, but dammit I’ll know who my friends are!
She reaks of the type of contrarianism and edginess borne from old internet hangouts like 4chan, Something Awful Forums, etc before those same folks migrated to Reddit and other similar sites. There is a fundamental immaturity at play when a person doesn’t understand that the internet isnt the real world and,…
That’s like during the election when people started posting about “Not letting politics get between friends.”. That’s all well and good if you’re straight white and moneyed. But when your politics is supporting efforts to disenfranchise me, take my freedom, property, loved ones and life then we aint friends. We can’t…
Honestly can we just call The NY Times the fancy NY Post? For real they are composed of the most annoying parts of whiteness. Those parts are playing the victim, lack of self awareness and blind arrogance. For real who told the editor of that piece of shit that this was a good idea? David Duke. As for Ms. Norton she’s…
She seems to think being a Nazi is some sort of quirk you’re supposed to overlook, like your friend who never texts back. It’s pretty simple, don’t be friends with Nazis, they’re Nazis! It’s not something you overlook about someone to focus on their good qualities.
Good luck turning that hoe into a house husband girl.
The basis if capitalism IS racism and sexism. Duh. It’s why white men defend it to the death.
She knows her worth
Hmm.. depends on how you look at it. Any woman who’s had work 12 HR days over a chicken fryer and make it on the male dominated comdey circuit ain’t a lightweight. Plus, I think Mo’ grew up working class/low income.
That might be the worst contract I’ve ever seen. No one in their right mind, even a new performer should ever touch anything like that.
This is the entertainment version of a payday loan contract.
Like Ms. Kent said, the reason why Marshall grew up relatively well-off for a black person in his time likely relates to the greater opportunities afforded his parents and ancestors as light-skinned black people. For example, Howard Univ has an area where photos of graduates are on the wall. The further you go back in…
As someone who grew up AfAm middle class, J&J...I will have to respectfully disagree.
They know it. They just need to deflect.
Never said he was exempt from racism. I said in the very examples that I bring up that he still experienced racism but had slightly more protections against it due to the access he was afforded.