This. Why is it only Used or Day One New? How many awesome games did they have for sale during the holidays for dirt cheap? I'd rather at least some of my money go to the people who made the game than any of it go to gamestop.
This. Why is it only Used or Day One New? How many awesome games did they have for sale during the holidays for dirt cheap? I'd rather at least some of my money go to the people who made the game than any of it go to gamestop.
To refute your points:
You aren't a customer if you buy the game used. If you buy the game new you aren't who he's talking to. Seems pretty simple.
It's not ignorant or intentionally biased. Schwarzenegger never had a damn thing to do with the law other than signing it. He may have made a comment or two about it but it wasn't his law and he's not the one who chose to pursue the appeals process. I'm sure he could have overridden the state attorney general or veto…
That's actually a good point I hadn't heard before. I still don't have any issue with Online Passes but thanks for bringing that up just the same.
Obviously they're making enough money off them for them to think it's worth it. If they weren't making any money off the Online Passes they'd know that by now, that's easy to track. Apparently they think the additional revenue is making up for any lost sales. For all we know it is.
CD Key Lite. I like that, hadn't heard it put that way before. I think I'll keep that. Thanks.
At the end of the day I'd suggest you play the demo first. No point in worrying about if it turns out you don't like how the game plays. My vote is to buy it if you like it though. I doubt it'll change anything but it's a whole lot more likely to make a difference than anything else you do.
That's an interesting way of looking at it. I'm not sure how many other people will see things that way though. It seems to me like this is a move to get as many people to play the game as possible so that when they make a sequel (which they're already assuming will happen) more people will buy it. People like to…
How many EA games half that old still sell like that? How many games made by anyone do? Games make 75%-90% of their total revenue in the first 3 months of sale on average. Between the drops in price and the lack of publicity/interest the game is basically dead to the publisher. Onine Passes increase that revenue…
It's not just EA, that's the new trend in games. Ubisoft either asks or requires it now too. You'll see it a lot more in the near future.
Ask me again when the game comes out. For other EA games it's been possible to play content that any other user on the system purchased. This has been my general experience with all DLC/XBLA content. I would expect that to be true here too but I'd hate you to buy the game just because you thought it'd be possible and…
Well for one thing this is an FPS and the original game wasn't so there aren't too many fans of the original who're excited for this game. Beyond that this looks like a long term business decision. Meaning that they're hoping to get as many people to play it as possible (used, pirated, whatever) so that when the…
Detriment to people buying used games. Unless there's something about online passes that hurts the average consumer. Because when you buy the game used you aren't actually a consumer of their product. They get no money from you and thus your opinion means less than zero.
I just logged on to point out the same thing. I'm not a Republican but I can't remember hearing of a single one who's ever proposed that kind of legislation
I have no idea if that's a real quote or not but just in case it is, promoted
These days I don't lend out anything unless I'm ok with never seeing it again. I've had too many people over the years borrow things and never give them back or give them back in shitty condition. This goes for close friends too. Most people don't value their media the same way I do be it books, games, movies, etc.…
They aren't raising the price of the game for people who buy the game new. And they don't have any reason to give a shit about people who don't. You aren't paying them for the game if you buy it used. It is in their best interests to be dicks to used gamers.
Really? It was always part of the game? How do you know that? Do you work for the company? Or any game developer for that matter? Just because someone on some forum once said it was already part of the game doesn't make it true. Most of the time the DLC, including day one DLC, is content made on a separate budget that…
"No more than one person can ever use it."