
Fair enough. And I think games like Journey, Flower, etc are great. Excellent for the medium. I just don't think of them as AAA games. I hope we get to the point were we can have non-violent games that are also larger budget and mainstream. I just don't think we're there yet. Hopefully in another 20 years gaming in

I was referring to your first post. Second paragraph. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant but you did say that. "An option to play without guns isn't the same as a game without guns at all. When they're there, the game is balanced for them. That's a problem."

I have to disagree with the Mirrors Edge being "balanced for guns." Using guns was always the worst option. If you used guns in any given segment you made a mistake. The game basically taught you that using guns was bad.

Yeah, I always feel weird when people start talking about HL2 (or the original even). I just don't get this game. Tried to play it and it does nothing for me. I don't wanna talk poorly about it because I'm not trying to troll and lots of people obviously see something I don't but I can think of dozens of shooters I

What I'm saying is that people are not choosing to use their phones as a substitute for a gaming handheld. I have no issue with the "shut the hell up" devices as a theory (although all Nintendo devices have had relatively low attach rates). Nintendo is not having financial issues due to poor performance in the

The problem with that theory is that the dedicated handheld market is the one that Nintendo is killing it in. The home console market is the one that Nintendo is struggling in.

Start showing her how the TV could be run through the X1. Show her the voice commands and how she can use facebook on it and stuff like that. Convince her that she's the one who wants it. Then you'll be buying it for her and it'll just happen to also have a game you want

In the developers defense, this is mass effect we're talking about. There are no swords to worry about. They aren't wearing platemail, it's some kind of future tech. It's still silly to accentuate the breasts IMO but practicality arguments against doing so don't really apply.

Other people can talk about the subject without being labeled a troll. She's the only one I'm aware of who courted the worst parts of the internet to gain publicity.

Yes, that was a poorly constructed sentence. Apologies.

No. She shouldn't have walled herself off. I'm saying she shouldn't have posted on 4chan to try to drum up support for her video. That was intentionally kicking the hornet's nest. If people had reacted poorly to her kickstarter in a vacuum then I wouldn't have said anything. If she'd looked to Jezebel or even gaming

There is no other side to that. But "women not being represented as equals to men in video games" isn't what needs balancing. It's the way the arguments are presented. It's the idea that if you have anything critical to say about someone like Sarkeesian that you are a men's rights activist or a woman hater or

I agree with most of what you've said. The only points I would disagree on would be that she has done enough research. Many of her claims are based on situations taken completely out of context. Either this is done in ignorance or she has done the research as you say and chosen to present the information inaccurately.

If she had just created the kickstarter and walked away I would see your point. That's not what she did. She found the biggest hornet's nest she could and she kicked it repeatedly. She then played the innocent, showed everyone all the times the hornets stung her, and used their sympathy to get a huge payday out of the

Agreed. I advocated for the X1 as well. I just think it's unfortunate that we can't get real coverage from the beginning. I expect more from my news which is why I don't follow kotaku like I used to.

I agree with you there. The same could be said about the arguments being made against people who find fault with her videos and her reasoning. The vast majority of all "arguments" employed online, and on Kotaku in particular, are some variation of "I'm right, you're an asshole, I hope you die in some violent way." The

I agree that the movement doesn't seem like it's helping with the issue in the least. I would welcome intelligent discussion about the topic but, as you pointed out in your previous comment, the "movement" thus far has been a Fox News esque attempt to get attention/hits.

I can't tell if that's a rape joke or a real question...

Oh I know why they haven't been doing it, I'm just saying it'd be nice if they would. That's why I was surprised to see that bit in the story in the first place. I'm naïve enough to hope that they'll actually try to balance things out eventually. Not naïve enough to think they actually will, just to hope for it.

It's completely true. That's a big part of why she gets so much hate directed her way. Did you know that she trolled 4chan when her kickstarter began? That's why she got so much negative traffic. She went out of her way to insult 4chan and they retaliated. She's excellent at getting publicity.