Worth noting: there are certainly valid critiques to be made about Anita Sarkeesian's "Tropes vs. Women In Video Games" series—and Kotaku boss Stephen Totilo is planning to give that criticism some serious attention in the future.
Worth noting: there are certainly valid critiques to be made about Anita Sarkeesian's "Tropes vs. Women In Video Games" series—and Kotaku boss Stephen Totilo is planning to give that criticism some serious attention in the future.
A large majority of people? What rock are you living under? The entire gaming community online is miniscule compared to the market that actually purchases the systems. The best you could say is that a majority of the people who follow gaming news on the internet had a negative response.
And the thing to remember about those people you say it's for (and I agree, that is who it is for) is that now it's not just for the gamer in the family. The father who thinks games are silly can still get value out of this as it makes his TV experience easier. Lots of people like paying for futuristic stuff, that's…
Reminds me of the article Totilo wrote a while back about how consoles were dying. I don't understand how these reporters can be so oblivious to the way the majority of the population consumes their media. When did we all become hipster 20-somethings who don't like big TV's? Why wouldn't their be overlap between…
I have no issue with that. I'm a gamer, yes, but I'm also a consumer of media and I think the X1 looks like the best way to do that in the future. Having it all connected to one TV is great. I don't understand people like leigh who don't want more of their devices connected to a TV. I use my laptop because I have to…
I'm a little confused by all the hate for AA batteries. In my experience the rechargeable AA's charge lasts longer than the battery packs for consoles. Also, I've had multiple packs for the 360 die on me but I've never had that issue with my rechargeable AA's. Aside from all that, AA's are used in a whole mess of…
And it had always been a thing with PCs until it wasn't anymore. People used to lend games for a weekend and then the friend would keep it installed and play it forever. Then DRM got better and that got harder. Now people use Steam without complaint. People will get over this too.
Well part of the problem is that this isn't aimed at the gaming market. The E3 event will be all about games, this was about new entertainment options. Microsoft has made it very clear that they want to control all living room entertainment. That's why they got into the console business in the first place, they've…
except on the first console that you entered the code on. They've said that all users on the original console will have access to the game. I'm speculating on the possibility of it working with you there on a second console.
Who said you had to buy it through their system? Just buy it on amazon or at gamestop or whatever. Hell, I bet amazon starts selling xbox games codes at a discount just like they do other games and steam codes.
actually they've said that other systems will recognize you and your preferences. That's all store "in the cloud" so I don't see any reason you couldn't install a game on another system using that concept. The problem is that it would only play on that one account on any additional console. And the account ID will be…
I'm a little confused when it comes to the issue of multiple users in the same home. Microsoft already offers a family plan for xbox live memberships. IIRC it's $100 for up to 4 users. That's a significant discount on purchasing them individually. Why would we assume there is not a way to link a single game to a…
It's not always on, but purchases are tied to Xbox Live accounts? The difference is minimal.
As a serious gamer I actually enjoy party games a lot. I agree with you that I'm in the minority on this. I think there are a couple of reasons I like party games.
Too Human was a fun concept but it was executed poorly. The graphics were lousy, the story had only just gotten started when it came to an abrupt end, and the gameplay lacked polish. It's the kind of game I wish had done well because I think it had the potential to be wonderful if some serious time and money had gone…
And by forgiveness you mean people should trust him with their money? Your reasoning sucks. Just because you forgive a person doesn't mean you give them the opportunity to screw you over. Also, he hasn't been brave. Brave would be dealing with the issue head on, at the time, rather than hoping it would go away. Brave…
It's awesome that smaller screens work for you but I really don't think this is "the wave of the future" at all. We will see a lot of people using them rather than their TV but I expect most people will always have a TV or whatever large screen viewing device eventually replaces it. For one thing, you can't have the…
I loved the mako. The only elevator in ME I didn't like was the one in the Normandy because there was no squad banter. Otherwise the elevators were great. Way better than boring load screens
Well it costs more upfront to have it release at the same time. For large games this makes sense but for lower profile games keeping it cheap is important. I'm just happy we get the game at all. The fact that you or I want the game doesn't necessarily mean there's enough demand for it to make the localization…
I wouldn't use the term victim. But the PR guy in question was being sexist and the author was the person he was being sexist to.