
@VegaObscura: Thanks for taking the time to write that. I wanted to write a rebuttal to black ops but I can't seem to care quite enough to really get into it. You did a great job highlighting what made previous COD games worth remembering and why this one isn't. Seeing Crecente star you gives me hope that if I take

@JGab: I think from the marketing standpoint the fact that you don't recall much says it all. There are a lot of Kinect commercials and they look really good. They've had Kinect giveaways and demos on shows like Oprah. It's entirely possible that the Eyetoy would have been more successful if it'd had that same big

@JGab: Multiple reasons. It wasn't marketed well, it wasn't marketed to the "casual" audience, it didn't have as much software support, the kinect is arguably better/has more features.

I don't care about motion controls at all right now. The stuff the Wii's done was fun for a few minutes but didn't hold my interest. The games for Kinect and Move don't look very interesting right now. Hopefully somewhere down the line the quality of the games will be improved but we're just gonna have to wait and

@JGab: The big difference is going to be doing it without a controller. Gestures are easier for the lay-person to learn than the use of the controller. My mom loves her Wii but she'd find Kinect much easier to navigate.

"I guess in the U.S., they used to give gold watches? I'm not sure

@Saintsxsailors: Did you even read the article? This isn't about

I'm wondering how long it'll take someone to be seriously injured

Parents should always be the ones making these kinds of decision. They should be the first and last authority on what is appropriate for their children.

@Limeade: Well the problem is that it isn't a matter of some shirts vs female avatars, that's a simplification the author of the article made. If you're interested in the technical difficulties of including female avatars I can link you to a couple of really well written comments by other posters and explain it far

@pjladyfox: Now that is an idea I can get behind. The price of the DLC should offset the price to the developer of creating the female avatars and it would presumably make the fans happy. I hope something like this happens just so we can see if there really is consumer interest in female avatars.

@pjladyfox: Sorry about that I thought I'd checked to make sure they were both working. Here's the link again:

@JorgeLuisBorges: There's no such thing as gender equality in a video game. This isn't a matter of sexist comments or females being portrayed in a negative manner. There aren't female avatars in this particular game and there are sound technical reasons for that decision. Beyond that, there are social and moral

@MichaelPalin: Actually, for someone who understands the technical issues there isn't any debate about it. You can't compare being able to choose between male and female in other games generically, you'd have to specify based on genre and when the game came out.

@Lainface: There's definately a long way left to go but we've come so far in so little time that I'm hopeful these issue will be completely resolved within the next 20 years. Since we haven't had decernable genders for much more than 20 years as is, I'm pretty happy with that time-frame.

Am I the only one who was reminded of Asajj Ventress when looking Goddess of War?

@lineypi: Yeah, isolating females in the name is a bit counter-intuitive when asking for equality.

@Masx: You're working on the assumption that there are female NPC's. If so, I would agree with you, but there is nothing to suggest this is true in anything I've seen or heard about the game.

I'm disappointed that articles like this keep being posted on Kotaku and other gaming sites. If authors want to examine both sides of the issue I understand, this is being talked about at large and it makes sense for a blog like this to be involved in popular issues in the industry. Posting something so one-sided and