
@ThursdayNext: Your logic is flawed. If I am a good parent then I can prevent my child from purchasing something they shouldn't have from a store, regardless of what that is. I should know where they are, how much money they have, etc. If they manage to get around that I should catch them playing the game and they

@ThursdayNext: Your analogy about the movie industry is terribly flawed. Hollywood has self-regulated. The toning down of violent content, the attempt to reach a wider audience, that is something they have done voluntarily. There is no government regulation of the motion picture industry. It isn't the job of the

@Weezle41: Gotta disagree with you there. For one thing, that mean the state will have to get directly involved in the rating process. Right now it's completely voluntary. Self-regulating. I don't want the government telling me what is or isn't too violent.

I'm actually glad the supreme court is finally hearing one of these cases. Yeah, it could result in laws like the california one being called constitutional but I don't think that's terribly likely. If they support the lower court decisions and say these laws are unconstitutional then everyone will finally have to

@bowen13: Yeah, I'm a little surprised too. But then again Activision is supposedly witholding bonus's. I'm sure a lot of the lower level guys need that money just to get by. Also, lots of people need a steady income so it just isn't practical to join a start-up when they've got a secure job right now.

@Etheris: EA has done pretty good about the whole "greedy corporate overlord" thing lately.

@ManiacalEskimo: No. From what I understand California law doesn't allow that. They did agree that they would not/could not solicit employees from Activision. That means they can't call the guys still at IW and offer them a job. However, if someone at IW were to call them and ask for an interview that would be just

@bowen13: these are seven who we already knew quit but we didn't know they'd make it to Respawn. There hasn't been any news about anyone new quiting for at least a few days.

@Thoraxe the Impaler: I agree completely. I don't follow the stuff george does anymore. There's very little I do follow actually. I am glad that I got into the EU back in the 90's though because it's turned me on to great authors like Zahn and KT and I've continued to read their work and others outside of SW.

@semajaral: Yeah, Blizzard will make plenty of money but how much of that are they going to be willing to let go of rather than reinvest in things like the new MMO?

@Thoraxe the Impaler: Oh absolutely. Early on it wasn't so bad but over the last 10 years it's been ridiculous. Doesn't mean they aren't worth reading, just that lucas is a dick. I ignore basically everything they release these days. The republic commando stuff was one of two series I still followed, now it's just the

@Thoraxe the Impaler: Ok, this isn't really relevant to the article but I can't help myself.

@Jonn: seriously, maybe the next one will be from her phone in the bathroom mirror.

@Alice: You're right that a lot of people are misreading and misunderstanding what you wrote. After reading this comment I can see it from a different angle and understand what you were going for here. I don't agree with what you say but I see what you mean and see the value in the point you're making.

I haven't been all that interested in Gears before but now I'll definately have to rent and beat the first two. I'd been on the fence about the books, I love her work but I've never been a gear head but if she's writing the game that's got to make it worth playing the first two and buying all the books.

@Nivenus: I'll give you the weak female characters in the SW books but Shan Frankland was a major badass. She was so tough the males in that story looked like pussies.

@Gh0stKiller: Awesome post. I love KT and I'm excited she's writing these but you make a great point. thank you

Looking at the Gamasutra list it's obvious these were people who had stuck out in the mind of the author. There are a number of people who deserve to be on that list for things they'd done within around a year that didn't make it. I don't think this had anything to do with sexism, it's just how things panned out. To

@cookie: I would recommend it. It's taken me till I was 25 to stop thinking about it and actually do it. It's hard work but once you get your head right and put in some effort things will start to come together.

@RockyRan: Not to defend her, cause from what I've read what she did was terrible, but I have an alternate possibility for why a person would throw the party.