
@Chirotera: I'm definately interested to see what they do as well. They've said for a while that they have other ideas they weren't allowed to explore. Given what they did with MW4 I'm willing to trust that they know what they're doing but I understand why people are skeptical. And you're right, I'm sure there'll be

@Chirotera: They've mentioned ideas to make near future shooters in the past, that would be my bet. If not that, an FPS but with enough of a twist that it feels original. Seeming like a derivative of CoD would kill the company.

@Donutta: not to mention only the higher level people have been leaving, people more likely to have higher salaries.

@Donutta: Yeah, it's just being done because Activision is treating all their employees like shit

@icarus212001: I'm not in the industry so I can't vouch for the accuracy of the information here but I found the tips and info listed here interesting.

@HUmonster: I don't know what the average is but I know poverty level is considered about $10,000 a year.

@The Forgetful Brain: Yeah, I think there'd be a lot to learn from the breakdown WoW's income. I'd think quite a bit goes to server costs and maintenance, backing up files, etc. They're obviously employing a fair number of people to work on patches and expansions as well. Beyond that...I'd guess that a whole lot of it

If I got into the video game business I'd want to work as a production manager or on the business side of things. I'm not the most creative person in the world and although I'm plenty smart enough to program it's not something I think I'd enjoy. The job of the managers, producers, marketing dept., etc. is to give the

@The Forgetful Brain: To be fair, there are usually fewer people working marketing and a well designed marketing plan can make a dramatic increase in the sales of a game. They certainly don't do anything to make the game better but increasing the profitability of a game is worth a lot to businesses.

@Vecha: Well it also depends on where you live. In CA most public school teachers start between 35-40k. I know a bunch of high school teachers who've been working for 10 years or so who are in the 80k range

@Quilt: It won't take nearly that long. When they went from working on Medal of Honor to Call of Duty there was only a gap of a year or two. If they decide to create their own engine rather than license something it'll be 4 years max. It only took them 4 years to move from the original CoD to CoD4 and that time

@cityslicker05: Good to know i can still find it on the first try

@Swaga727: See I don't know. Call of Duty was fairly popular before the Modern Warfare games but CoD 4 was where things really took off. That was 4 years later.

@TheInc123: Niche? Obsessive video game news junkie?

So is it statutory rape if you nail a minor in-game?

@Archaotic: all the more insentive to get your girlfriend playing :p

@AncientUnknown1: Seems like it'd be easier to just nail your female friends in the game.