@-MasterDex-: Pffft, crashing was my main strategy in Gran Turismo 3 and 4.
@-MasterDex-: Pffft, crashing was my main strategy in Gran Turismo 3 and 4.
Rome: Total War, Civilization III, Spelunky, Ace Combat 6, and maybe some Halo 3 or CoD4 with friends.
@Islandkiwi: Yo!
@AOClaus: Oh no, Xbox Live is free, at least the Silver option. I'm sure that Microsoft is counting all Xbox Live accounts.
I had a launch 360 that crapped out on me after nearly four years of constant gaming this past May. I called Microsoft, and since it was out of warranty by nearly a year, they told me that I could repair it for $130-150.
@XavierHarkonnen: Arena had that, except it wasn't particularly detailed or fleshed out.
@simply_androoo: In-game banter in Oblivion seemingly points to Summerset Isle, since there's something going on about Imperial tariffs and wizards and whatnot.
@Green-E66: For me it wasn't the team aspect of it.
@Placentasaurus: I give you Morrowind, an older game in the same IP that has a renowed story and setting.
@Mike Fahey: And a tail. And what looks to be paws. And an overall tiger color scheme.
@AFXisgreat: World War II was the only war in the past century or so where the lines have been clear-cut and the causes have been obvious and "morally correct". It was a simple "Freedom (and Communism?) vs Fascism" war between the great superpowers of the day.
@Durandal: You didn't read anything about the article before you thought of posting this, did you?
@Vysion: Heh, the biopsy is already scheduled, it's just that I'm a bit worried since it's a bit close to my vertebrae. Hopefully I'll have a good surgeon.
I'd buy this, but purely for Dead Rising.
Very touching story. Especially on a personal level.
@spannu: That's one of the greatest mental images I have ever had. Thank you for that.
@chaos_isnt_here: Try scorpions. They do everything that Wolf spiders do, but in a more compact and harder-to-kill form. They also inject venom that does more damage than the Wolf spider.
@Alex Rowe: Same with his Xbox. The only ventilation that poor thing has is through the back, since the side vents are blocked by the hard drive and the cabinet. Even then, I doubt there's much room or air flow behind it.
@WalkOnWater: I love the Closed Captions feature. Sometimes the oddest things are captioned in the weirdest ways. I once saw a caption describing a random decoration object being knocked about by my clumsy wanderings.
@Commenter 2415A5Q-66A: Aye, I see kids outside all the time. Every other night, a small gaggle of kids gathers and plays street hockey in front of my house. During the day, there's a small group of 4 kids constantly doing something like biking or street hockey about 6 doors down. When I go biking to the convenience…