This comments section is full of hate, it seems. Most of it kind of fanboyish for no discernible reason.
This comments section is full of hate, it seems. Most of it kind of fanboyish for no discernible reason.
@RockyRan: I got a gaming PC in late July. I haven't touched my Xbox 360 since then.
@ShXIII: Don't you dare besmirch Howard Hughes' glorious name.
Hey. Theme Hospital was pretty great.
@CakeCommander: C&C3 was glorious?
@troopzor: It was shaping up to be a true successor to the gloriously awesome multiplayer-oriented Renegade.
@MrNose - FOR THE CHICKEN!!!: I'm pretty sure Peru is also attached to the US in some roundabout way.
I don't love cars. I love planes.
Paypal is being stupid and taking two weeks to process a money transfer since I'm in Canada.
Little Gamers makes me rage a bit more than usual.
Sony. I'm not big into consoles anymore, and when I was, I supported the Xbox 360. I left you after the PS2 because of your stupid, stupid, design and marketing decisions. Ace Combat 6 ended up on the 360. All the games I was interested in that were coming to the PS3 turned out to be big flops.
@Rokskul: As far as I understand, pricing on Steam is determined by the publisher. For indie games and Valve games, that's Valve, so the prices are cheaper, and according to the developer's needs.
I do enjoy their reappropriation of resources from other Source games. Even though there is confusion at times, it's a nice reminder of the fact that this engine also ran other glorious Valve games.
@Frank: Here you go, kind sir:
"The Ace Combat franchise generally has seen its jet combat supremacy unchallenged. Ubisoft changed this with its May 2009 release of Tom Clancy H.A.W.X. So it was time for change."
@ShaggE: Restarreded: Making a paddlin' joke? That's a paddlin'.
Dotgif was the only one that made me giggle, and it wasn't even about gaming so much as procrastination.
@TheAmericnDream: Forward compatibility doesn't work like that. If you couldn't do it in the disc version, and the downloadable DLC version won't have any changed code, then all signs point to not being able to do that.
The last half minute was undoubtedly the best. The dissonance in the announcer's voice really sold it for me.
Good job, Activision. You killed one of your biggest moneymakers. Now you'll just be down to WoW and Guitar Hero. Well done indeed.