@Emoji: Yeah, thanks, you edited your comment AFTER I made a witty retort but only after my edit time ran out.
@Emoji: Yeah, thanks, you edited your comment AFTER I made a witty retort but only after my edit time ran out.
@Emoji: [Insert comment about PSN]
In Valve Time, "Out in the next week or so" means "Expect it within the next 365 business days."
@Befitzero: I found at least 200 Alien Power Cell units in nooks and crannies throughout the ship. I daresay you rushed through it, good sir.
So basically, what you want in a finale is for the gameplay to stop.
@JZeitler: Eh, I don't want to buy or switch to another platform to get Aces goodness. I already had the extreme luck that Ace Combat 6 came to the 360. I'm not pushing it from there.
Namco(-Bandai), where is my Ace Combat 7? I haven't even heard a peep out of you guys. Did your merger kill the series? Please say no.
@Ferkner: It'd be nice to be able to, you know, play with friends who are more than 30 minutes away from you. You can't believe the amazing effect that simple online gaming has on friendships. I've saved probably 10 friendships simply by playing over Xbox Live with friends I knew before I moved countries.
@Maazer: It's the alien distress signal that you can tune into around the crashed spaceship area. Apparently, it's just a high-pitched, reversed, and sped up clip of a guy saying "The alien is never alive."
@FrankenPC: Hopefully Bigfoot will come and save us in the climactic finale of this particular DLC package.
@pressstart: My point stands in that the pirates get a chance to re-release the cartridges and charge again. Although that isn't much of an incentive to continue pirating, the cart developers still make a nice and tidy sum of money.
@Wolfgeist: This is kind of a hilarious situation, really.
@Jon: Moving parts, etc. Xbox has a disc drive, hard drive, and two custom-built processors that act like heating elements.
@SuperSonik: Just don't get the Bloody Mess perk and you'll be fine.
@Connobi: I'd say for about as long as they're beating Metroid, Final Fantasy, Mario, Ratchet and Clank, Legend of Zelda, Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, etc.
@weevol: IL-2 1946 (basically 5 or 6 games in one) for $9.
@ourovoros: I spent 300 dollars on this 2004-era business laptop a few years ago. It has a Mobility Radeon 9600 with 32MB of VRAM, a further 96MB of virtual VRAM, 512MB of RAM, a 40GB hard drive, and a Pentium M processor.
@Yossarian: I'd choose "E) Get a close-range weapon and sneak up behind their camping spot, eventually leading to their untimely and tragic death. Then teabag and beat their corpse."
@Dark_Malice used the zapping gun! pew pew pew: You'd be surprised, actually.
@Ariakkan: I find myself using Steam exactly because of that awesome ability to skip going outside.