
@ReconToaster.: Fallout 3 has 5 expansions planned, each costing $10 or 800 MS Points. In total that's $50, not far off from the $60 ODST price tag. I'd say ODST is fairly justified in just being an expansion. Or that Fallout 3 DLC is overpriced. Either way works.

@Ryjin: There is a certain feature that you can use to filter out any stories with any keywords in them, such as Halo and whatnot.

TAY is a fickle thing for me. After it gets to 300-400 comments, it slows down to a crawl and then simply refuses to load. The sheer weight of all these scripts eventually lag so bad that Chrome won't even load up the page, instead simply deciding to commit suicide and freeze EVERYTHING.

@Bii Nii Wii Nii: Your money and PS3 is forfeit just as soon as I can invade the Bungie facilities.

Games have made me study things that I would normally not have studied were it not for them.

@doughboyx: I agree. I don't mind spending dozens of hours on the Total War series, or Audiosurf, or Pokemon, or Fallout 3, or Oblivion, as long as I know that I'm doing something reasonably good with my time.

@SHERBO64: Because sometimes logic fails us. Read a Dirk Gently book and you'll see.

@burnblue: Well, I don't really refute because I thought it was kind of obvious as to why I am all up in a bunch. Pardon my lack of going further.

My birthday is in a few hours as of this writing, July 27.

@RPharazonius: Not the Kotaku list, the MSNBC list. I still love you, editors. You could have picked a better list to put on your list though.

@MDX: Broken Steel does that, amongst other things.

The "Top 5 Reasons Retro Games Beat Modern Games" list essentially boils down to straw man arguments, illogical conclusions, and claiming that simplicity = greatness.

I only used Dogmeat to get that unique sniper rifle in that shack near that radioactive vault. Apparently, Dogmeat can pick Very Hard locks.

@Ladi: It'd be hilarious if a woman were to win the contest. Especially a straight woman.

@Antiterra: I personally can't wait until the Usury area kicks in.

@RockyRan: If anything, MSRP will be lowered due to the increased rise of online delivery, eschewing traditional physical publishers, and decreasing overall price.

@ottoman673: Annual in Halo 3. Me and my friends tried to spend 4 hours playing that last level with Iron on Legendary. We had a massive lag that turned the (game-recorded) 1 hour into 4, and one of my friends is absolutely horrible at driving a Ghost.

@Witzbold: Melee. It's more manly, and there is nothing like beating the crap out of a Heavy with naught more than a baseball bat or shovel.

@Marker: I need two achievements to get the 1000/1000 in vanilla Fallout 3.