Hanz the screaming idiot

All a moot point once we all start strapping oculus rifts to hour skulls to watch TV.

The problem I have is with this little half sentence: "With respect to authorities and programs whose existence is unclassified,"

Really? Wasn't everything "Classified" prior to the Snowden leaks?

They won't do it because there is too much influence from the Money that lives in La Jolla... The few privileged that live there don't want all that additional air noise ruining their serene ocean views (FYI - I live in La Jolla too, but wouldn't mind a new SD airport at Miramar).

Isn't "Cold" fusion really just relative. The sun is a Fusion reactor H to He, but the fac that it's too hot for us... doesn't mean it isn't "cold" to something else.... therefore our sun is living proof that Cold Fusion is possible.

"Dave's not here."

Star Wars Land Speeder?

"You'd think the company would have learned from their constant patent trolling that dirty tricks don't work."

Wholeheartedly agree. I don't care if the photo is good or bad; I just untag them all because you never know who will end up seeing them.

Imagine a society of non-aging people with a population limit; Where reproduction is prohibited and new humans are only allowed after fatal accidents cause some to die.

Can't seem to find where to enable certain features of sleep mode. I can only turn it on and set the times. Would you be able to point an ignorant fool in the right direction?

With all of the politics involved... there is no way this thing is built for less than $10 billion.

Guarantee every single CA politician would be all over this, "we need a stop here, oh and you can't build THERE." etc.. etc.. so dumb.

Exactly my thoughts when reading this. Keep spreading the good word Captain.

Not sure if anyone brought this up in the comments below:

Absolutely agree... but where is the power for the device going to come from if the USB sockets on the back of the TV aren't meant to send USB power to a device? (And maybe this is just my TV that doesn't power USB devices through the TV USB ports).

It's to power the device.

What everyone is failing to mention is that it plugs in to an open HDMIport on your TV... AND.. has to be additionally powered via USB.

I'm not sure about everyone else's TV's, but the USB ports on my TV don't "power" electronics, they are strictly inputs for content.

Absolutely agree about 6 shows per year being enough. I really hope they succeed if only for them being on the forefront of "the new TV service model".

My assumption is that they will eventually produce 12 (or more) shows and release them in different months. If all of the shows are good enough, or enough of them that it's more of a hassle to unsubscribe and then resubscribe for the months of shows you want; they should be in really good shape.

To be productive rather than condescending like some of the other posters. All it takes is a little education to get Google+ to work how you want it to and not "annoy" you like it currently is.

1. Create a circle for everyone that you know and would like updates for (just like Facebook's close friends group).