
That was dark.

That was dark.

Kat did her training with the FBI, but I thought she was DoD like everyone else (though DoD with an extensive domestic intelligence/enforcement arm never really made sense; the writers should have gone with DHS, which would have better focused the show's parallels with 'the war on terror').

Kat did her training with the FBI, but I thought she was DoD like everyone else (though DoD with an extensive domestic intelligence/enforcement arm never really made sense; the writers should have gone with DHS, which would have better focused the show's parallels with 'the war on terror').

Study finds that obvious things are obvious.

Study finds that obvious things are obvious.

Agree.  Still like the show.

Agree.  Still like the show.

Read the AVClub's season one reviews.  That should give you a good indication of why we watch.  I found the first season pretty hilarious.

Read the AVClub's season one reviews.  That should give you a good indication of why we watch.  I found the first season pretty hilarious.

The Baxter

The Baxter

Those pitches were ridiculously high (top of his head height).  I would have thrown the bat too.

Those pitches were ridiculously high (top of his head height).  I would have thrown the bat too.

Jon and Abby's air force husband are exactly the same character. Ugh.

Jon and Abby's air force husband are exactly the same character. Ugh.

That moment in the opening credits when Louie reacts to a passerby flipping off the camera is pretty great though.

That moment in the opening credits when Louie reacts to a passerby flipping off the camera is pretty great though.

The three eyes was the biggest laugh for me.

The three eyes was the biggest laugh for me.