
That's actually really interesting. I appreciate your informative response. I honestly never would have known any of that.

Okay, I'm gonna sound ignorant as shit, and I apologize in advance…but is it considered whitewashing to put someone Spanish in a Latin role? I'd never even have considered that.

I love that every time attention gets diverted from Trump to, say, a certain AG, or whenever Russia-talk gets too loud for him, he has a senior-moment on Twitter that distracts the talking heads for 24 hours.

It's in the trailer, bro.

Bro, you don't even know, bro.


Say that to her fuckin' face, bro.

You wouldn't let a kid watch Guardians?

Looks to me like it'll make closer to 80 million this weekend.

I always thought it was because Hans smoked the cigarette like a European (thumb and forefinger) rather than an American (between forefinger and middle finger.)

Surprise plot point: Some of the speeches are being ghost-written by Toby, a felon (if I remember correctly,) which would be the big scandal at the end of the first season.

President Sam Seaborne. Vice President Minority Female. Chief of Staff Josh Lyman or Senator Josh Lyman. Senior White House Counsel Charlie Whateverhislastnamewas. Senior Political Strategist CJ Craig (or however you spell her last name.) New people in Communications.

…what if they're hot AND crazy, though?

Is sexual harassment a crime that earns prison time?

Dwarfing the President's one book…maybe ever?

And we know that she can read.

Be a boss and take your kid to see the movie.

Settling isn't admitting anything. In situations like this where it's a he said/she said kind of thing, in order to avoid a protracted legal battle, settlements are generally the best way to go for both parties. To settle isn't to admit guilt. Settling generally just means that one or both parties doesn't feel like

That's not what a settlement is.

I'll be here all week.