
I mean, was anything proven? Or were these just allegations? I don't want to be that guy, but I'm a pretty big fan of "innocent until proven guilty." I don't think this current trend of damning everyone who gets accused of sexual misconduct is going to lead us to a very good place.

This is a great way to get more people to cut cable out entirely and switch entirely to subscriber services.

I'm told that haters are prone to hatin'.

I've just been…DESTROYED

God, I wish people would stop using the word "destroy" so stupidly. Moonlight won a bunch of awards. Other films did not. They weren't "destroyed." They just didn't win. Fucking ten times a day I see some bullshit headline: "[proper noun] DESTROYS [another proper noun]!!!" or "Watch as [proper noun] utterly DESTROYS

In my experience, the best artists in the world have almost always been born filthyfucking rich and raised in a totally safe protective Hollywood bubble.

…good work.

For seriously?

Maybe keep like, one illegal? Just to keep drug dealers from going hungry.

The best pro-pot argument, for people who don't smoke, in my opinion, is this:

Once a month?

I live in a community that is a majority over the age of 60. Deep, deep in Trump country. They are Conservative as fucking fuck.

I think this might end up being nothing. Coming out against weed is going to be ferociously unpopular. All those Bernie supporters who swung Trump's way that he keeps bragging about are going to tell him to fuck off. All the Libertarians will tell him to fuck off. All the baby boomers who are retiring and smoking for

Correct. You're also probably going to have to get like, 120 grams of protein and 3000-5000 calories a day.

Apparently he ate whatever he wanted (within reason) but stopped eating totally every day at like, 6 PM.

"What I think people saw was an emotionally needy Ann Coulter wannabe, trying to make a buck off of the left’s propensity for outrage."

I totally agree. My issue is that when Progressive types tee off with righteous indignation on anyone who levels any kind of criticism at Islamic Theocracies and their oppressive nature, it diminishes the Progressive movement as a whole by making them look like outrage-freaks who don't understand what they're

I'm nothing but a Cuck.

"This is so badly written I can could die."

Before anyone hits Maher too hard on his view of Islam, I would invite them to go visit a few Muslim countries. The ones I've been to are some of the most oppressive, repressive places on Earth. The way women and children are treated would send shivers down most people's spines, and they tend to use their faith to