


Smoke some weed, homie.

Smoke some weed, bro.

I kind of feel like none of this is anyone's business.

Solaris, Traffic, Ocean's Movies, Out of Sight… this guy has made some good shit.

That young woman who played the love interest gave one of the most terrible performances in a film I have ever seen. It was terrible to the point of distraction. It brought what might have been an entertaining film down a few notches for me. .

Haven't heard of the Spencer video. Hopefully this one gets him charged with a crime.

Huck and Starlight are damn good, actually. You should give them a look, if you haven't already.

Hugh Jackman and his Beard?

Yeah…she's not a great actress.


Grand jury has been assembled in the Russia probe. Hang on tight.

I don't know why but…I kind of respect this…? A bit…?

"Nintendo, give me free stuff!"

Better Call Bronn?

It definitely has.

I didn't say it was the greatest war movie ever made. I said that it was extraordinarily accurate in its portrayal of actual combat, particularly with the use of sound and its conveying the sense of trapped/total-hopelessness.

I've actually been to war, so yes, I did find this to be an accurate portrayal. No other movie depicting combat has ever more fully realized how thunderously loud combat gets. No other war film has ever captured the "sitting duck" feeling that grunts get when they're at the mercy of an unseen enemy, waiting for

Not to get overly personal, but if you have anxiety issues why did you pay to see an obviously-very intense war film?