Reposted Daily Mail Comments

Osama looks stunnin in that pic xoxo - D4nger0us, Where i need to be x, United Kingdom, 7/3/2013 14:37

Another example of Broken Britain ! - CDavid, Formerly Great Britain, United Kingdom, 11/1/2013 10:21

Don't care what anyone says,I love this woman – tashamaud, Lincoln, 1 hour ago

THE JOKES ON YOU YANKS…..it has been proven that North Korea had NOTHING to do with the Sony hack….WHAT A WASTE OF YOUR CHRISTMAS watching a HORRIBLY made film that should've gone straight to DVD ahahahah – Philip Kingsbury IV, London, United Kingdom, January 2015

She will end up in Russia with her son and the daughter will become a spy to avenge her father's death after he is killed by Stan. – harriet, toronto, Canada, August 2016

Benito Mussolini Obama is now a lawless dictator that needs to be stopped by the legislative and judicial branches. If not them, then the American people. We are now in a Constitutional crisis that threatens every American's liberty. – HJ, Las Vegas, November 21 2014

What is with your obsession with SNL? It's an awful show that should have been cancelled 10 years ago. Alec Baldwin was funny for 5 minutes, 3 months ago. Watching SNL is like looking in the fridge for something to eat. You know it's empty, but you keep hoping a chocolate cake is going to magically appear. The cake

yes— ebn, northeast, United States, 1 hour ago

Read the article, fooI. – Mic, Ox, United Kingdom, 10 minutes ago

Senator John McCain noticeably absent on this matter. He is the mole who is trying to destroy President Trump with these leaks. – Glover LA, anywhere, United States, moments ago

Dear God Of Reincarnation. Please can I come back as Charlize Theron. Thank you. – Lottie, Button Moon, 2 weeks ago

Get well soon! – crunchcoffeebrunch, San Jose, United States, 6 hours ago

laLaLand was the biggest load of rubbish ….it's the Kings New Clothes syndrome I've never seen people walk out of the cinema before the film finished which happened when we went When the lights went up at the end People just stares and said WHAT WAS THAT RUBBUSH ALL ABOUT…..just showed these luv vies can con the

He's sexy!!! – Cunning linguist, Los Angeles, United States, 7 hours ago

Of what interest is this to UK voters? – micki, Granada, 1 hour ago

I hate myself for clicking on this article. NOT funny at all. Pathetic more like it. – Lisa, Sydney, Australia, 6 hours ago

Holdomore: 8 million Ukranians starved to death by Stalin in 1933 and his communist Red Army and we did nothing but declare war on anti-communist Germany : same people have started this ,the international bankers. – Bert, London, United Kingdom, February 2014

Thanks Obama ! – Todd1776, Atlantic City, United States, 18 hours ago

She is like the hot girl next door, which is actually the best kind of hot. - NYCER, New York, 8/3/2013 15:37

Granted, Milo is not everyone's cup of tea and outrageous deportment. But this is a SET UP. And it comes from the evil, dïrty left in America. And it's aimed at destroying him and his livelihood now. Someone in high places should defend this guy. – expatmars, NYC, United States, 1 hour ago