Reposted Daily Mail Comments

Monie, I agree with you 100%! Give credit where credit is due, geez! Hall Pass was hilarious! I loved it. I love that gross out, slapstick comedy, so I'm still going to see Movie 43. Anything with Sean William Scott and Johnny Knoxville…..I'm seeing!!!!!!!! We need another revamp of JACKASS!!!!!!!!! -

1977 – RJC, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

The backlash against Trump is working, as evidenced by his recent losses. It is only gonna get worse for Trump as more intelligent people see through his reality world charade. – MaryQuiteContrary, Los Angeles, United States, 3 hours ago

Ha ha ha the Trumptards gonna be in full damage control mode on this one! – paingainrob, sarasota fl, March 2016

THE NEW (AMERICAN PRINCESS DIANA) She is wonderful and would rule compassionately over the United States. Forget voting, just put her in charge, she would solve ALL of America's TERROIST PROBLEMS – God Saved the Queen, WE CIVILISED THE WORLD, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago

I said before and I say it again, the director has a lot to do with the movie outcome. The actors can only do so much. But $800 million to produce this? Seriously? – fairdinkum83, Doncaster, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago

With each passing day this paper becomes more and more of a joke. – Bristol Expat now NZ, wellington, New Zealand, 5 hours ago

The French are the scourage of Western Europe. They have a bitter victim complex, are terribly anti-English, are cruel to animals and are almost a bunch of vile socialists and Communists. In the last few decades France has also been responsible for the importation of huge numbers of i m m i g r a n t s into Europe in

Does anyone dislike Emily Blunt? I hope not, she's awesome :) – Debsg86, Blackpool, about 6 hours ago

I don't know whether to be scared of this man or want to go for a beer with him haha! :P - missmetallica7x, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 4/9/2013 5:37

Good god, I love this man! Please replace all the Kardashian articles with him and life would be good. He's charismatic, rugged, sexy and a great actor. He's the perfect package, ehm not that there would ever be a double meaning there ;) – Liana, Napa, CA, October 2013

A little background on Vlad. He's from Leningrad, a son of those who survived the 872- day siege of Leningrad at the hands of the Germans. He's ex-KGB, a martial arts master, and a man who has taken the candy from the Russian oligarchs by NATIONALISING vital industries and resources, and has DOUBLED wages and incomes

More BBC tosh – Simon, Benenden, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

If the Republican elite steal the nomination from Trump at the convention, we will treat it as a declaration of war. – WilmaDikfit, Hollywood, United States, March 2016

Big pharma is becoming a religion. If you're a non-believer you will be punished for your heresy. – Clouds are nice, northshire Scotland, Cameroon, 21 hours ago

Give me the Queen over yet another POLITICIAN, any day of the week. – JMOWT, Belfast, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

America is full of religious zealots, which explains why the country is the laughing stock of the rest of the world - and by rest of the world I mean those areas you can't see from your trailer park. – Cuddles Kovinsky, Holland Park London, United Kingdom, 1 year ago

You've got to fight The Military-Industrial Complex with every last breath in your pathetic, middle-classer head - and save the whales and dolphins… I HATE Russia & The US - they're practically one nation, anyhow…! – PrivateSi, WORCS, 10 hours ago

I quit paying any attention to what film reviewers had to say years ago. Most are afraid to pan movies of big name stars because they won't get invited to the big name parties if they do. I mostly decide to go to a movie by friends recommendations. - AeroJack7, Highland California, United States, 18/2/2013 2:32

I've up voted you twice and it won't register. FYI – Rudy, Usa, 6 hours ago