Holy shit. Why are conservatives such whiny titty babies when they lose? Wait, they’re sore winners too. Fuck these shitsipping fascists.
Holy shit. Why are conservatives such whiny titty babies when they lose? Wait, they’re sore winners too. Fuck these shitsipping fascists.
Oh shit, you went there! I laughed, but felt a little disappointed in myself for giggling at the reference. I *just* told a friend about that story and they were completely horrified.
The losses of Rohrabacher, Walker, and Kobach are goddamn delicious! Omg, I have the biggest fuck-you-losers boner right now.
Oooo...thanks for the excellent article! I remember my grandparents talking about the overt and often life-threatening racism of Orange County in the past. I grew up in Santa Ana, which was more diverse...but goddamn if we didn’t go fuck with the neo-nazis in Huntington Beach every chance we got.
Hey dude, white/brown OC native here. Just wanted to tell you I appreciated both of your posts, and I’m sorry I’m replying almost two days later. I’m in Rohrabacher’s district, which is majority rich beach cities...but also includes my little section of Santa Ana, right next to Little Saigon. It’s fucking amazing how…
Totally off topic...but why is the gross May-cake shaped like Minnesota? Poor Minnesota.
You're doing the Lord's work, friend. No way this fucker is only 39. He probably has the same Faustian bargain Stephen Miller does.
Yo, why you gonna give Bibi his favorite treat? He looooves dirty underwears!
Fuck yeah, she sounds rad as hell! I had never heard of her before and just spent the last hour down a norine macdonald rabbit hole. She’s such a dreamy badass and I love her now.
They’re both charming, funny, sophisticated...and they’re a HOT couple. 10/10, would totally watch their leaked sex tape.
I’ve never had a stye, but my dr. ex used to get them and used this weird drawing salve that he got at Walgreens:
Ugh, he’s mine too. We’re actually gonna dump this shitbird, don’t you think?
Well, he totally doesn’t understand that it’s the male that determines the sex of the baby, that’s for sure. I kindly reminded him of that fact. He was mad when I told him, hey bro, your dick shoots out girls...not unlike Henry VIII.
Biggest cowards on the planet! My favorite cousin is married to a douchebag who has tribal tattoos and is super into jujitsu. He is a massive titty baby and conned the coast guard when he “got hurt” on the job. Meanwhile, he’s still well enough to compete in tournaments and is pressuring my cousin to get pregnant…
All of these rightwing shitbirds have a delusional persecution complex.
Correct. Also, he does jujitsu and is into mma fighting, so that confirms his uber-tool status.
As you say, it IS worth it! Good on you for being cognizant of your dad’s biases and all the hard work you’ve put into combating it in your own life. My racist white dad married my awesome brown mom, and I could never understand his cognitive dissonance when it came to race. We finally broke him out of his racist…
We can only hope these kids will take the same path to enlightenment after realizing they were raised by bigoted assholes. Sounds like you did an excellent job of getting yourself out of the vicious cycle of hate, friend.
Right?! He’s openly advertising his low self-esteem, which is sad and hilarious at the same time. Also, this man has the audacity to chide others for snubbing his racist ass? That’s some fucking nerve. What a pathetic piece of shit.