The artist formly known as Roy Royals

Never, which is why they act like this. They haven’t MAGA’d the wrong person...yet. 

No, likely not. And I don’t really have a problem with that, kids shouldn’t have to live in a world of violence... right up until they start acting like adults, spreading hate and running their mouths like they have anything beyond sheer numbers to back that up. Their parents are setting them up for a very difficult

thank you for the word present. german is such a great language for insults

His smile is one of fear while trying to project strength. It is the smile of the racist who knows he has enough people standing next to him who believe in the same trash he believes that if someone started violence with him, his cohorts might have his back, but he’s not actually willing to catch hands to find out how

He smiles like Jared Kushner

As I’m a secondary school teacher, I wonder what the students’ teachers were doing? You see, I am also a veteran, and a human being. That nonsense would go on, under my supervision, for a maximum of three seconds. Followed by an apology, and a rigorous, teachable moment.

This horrible photo will follow him wherever he goes. Even though he will, like every other white man, fail up; I take a little bit of hope in the fact that this will slow his failing up just a bit. I hope that the girl he pines for will never date him because of this photo, and he settles for some off brand Real

You need your fucking teeth kicked in by an immigrant. I volunteer to do the job if we can’t find an immigrant willing to get his or her shoes filthy from your yellow-ass teeth, hillbilly. What’s your address?

I watched this interview on PBS, and this Hassett guy was a terrible liar. No one can watch him nervously make his talking points and think he has convictions about the economic policies he’s defending. The great Paul Soloman definitely had a few ‘gotcha’ moments with this grimacing turd.

A softball. I would have thought that impossible. That really drives home the value of a medical degree.

Difference between being an amateur and a professional right there

He (just going to assume this was a man) shot booze up his ass to get drunk faster. The rectum absorbs alcohol very quickly. It’s a good way to get alcohol poisoning since your body’s first defense against alcohol poisoning, throwing it up, won’t help. Visit your local frat house for more information.

Reminds me of that magic Johnson quote: don’t give up, don’t ever give up 

I’ve lost count the number of time I’ve accidentally fallen on to a 6-8 inch penis shaped object, with my ass. It happens!

AKA Rule 34.


All the string.  All of it.

I judge my year based on whether or not I appear on this list. I do not, so my year was good.

The ridiculous part about Epstein is that, whenever someone brings him and Trump up, some Trump-supporting chudfuck has to turn it around and remind people that Bill Clinton was also an acquaintance/friend.

Sure, but he's always been a malicious racist. Don't explain his awfulness solely by his dementia.