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"That shit is fucking trash, Dog. Get the fuck off the airwaves!"

Islamophobia, as in fear of Islam is irrational. Funny because of all the cruelties and discriminiations that happen in its name. But hey, nothing to do with Islam ofcourse! It's just coincidence that 99% of all vile terrorists seek out Islam to justify their acts.

Well she's driving an effing cartoon car. I hate the C-max hybrid so much. It just looks like the car that epitomizes a 'doddler' in my mind. Someone day dreaming at lights, turning wide and out of their lane in turns, and driving 5 below the limit in the left lane, being sure to stay parallel to the other car going 5

#5: Huh? Is this an indictment of New York City's public education system? "Okay class, which is a bigger number? 8 percent of 7000 or 6.99 percent of 7000?"

It seems that the government "watch dogs" will be in a prime opportunity to receive bird dog fees from loan companies.

The idea that everyone working a machine is somehow making sweet, sweet union dollars and going home to a mansion is wrong. There are a lot of Americans who work hard every day and aren’t sharing in the economic growth many of us are enjoying.

Obviously, these plants are in different parts of the country with differing costs of living, but it’s still an interesting look at the wide range of labor spending.

Lee: General Grant, I lay down my sword and unconditionally surrender on behalf of the Confederate States of America.

This isn't Retina MacBook Air you were hoping for

Exactly. A bank branch will have a Notary to facilitate transferring the title and all kinds of security to ensure that you won't get robbed when you want to make the deal. A clean, clear and convenient deal.

He trusts his gun. Makes sense.

If you were a crack dealer you would have been dealing crack not robbing him.

The police have to prove that he was driving beyond reasonable doubt. If he and his lawyer can provide reasonable doubt the police have to find away to prove it wrong. He doesn't need to say anything about who was driving his car to push this burden on to the police.

Definitely Sum Ting Wong.

Wi Tu Lo.

Ho Lee Fuk.

"Narbonne coach Victoria Sanders said she didn't realize the team needed to apply for a waiver"

So a year after being smacked for one major rule violation, she still hasn't learned to pick up the books and read them cover-to-cover. One has to wonder what other fine examples she sets for her student-athletes.

Good thing Len didn't draw a cartoon Muhammad

Johnson: Would you like to see Sunderland?

ESPN wisely didn't tell him to "hit the showers" for a week.

You ignore Rule #1 just like so many others...