
I normally have a semi about 2 miles into tackling the dragon

Every email he sends is to the NSA

I have actually. The discount is a nice perk, and it's a quiet place to wait for a flight, get a drink/snack, and even get some work done.

But, I thought white people discussing their own white privilege was really good progress. How many times have white people ignored the fact that white privilege even exists? Why is it a bad thing that white people are finally willing to not only acknowledge white privilege, but discuss it with real world examples?

psst, I have a secret for you. All of the Lexus models are just Toyotas underneath.

Yes, we are missing some very critical seconds of video. Isn't it odd all this was being filmed but we are not seeing the most critical part?

What else is there to do?

Something tells me that once the driver started honking the protestors went after the car, trying to break windows and destroy paint. Once that shit happens all bets are off. Mow down as many motherfuckers as possible. If you threaten my life or the life of my family members you better believe it that I will mow down

Okay, at the very beginning of the video, it looks like there are 'protestors' on the hood of the car. Why?

I posted this comment yesterday to add to a similar article, and I feel it could add some understanding with this crowd too, with regard to ever expanding checked bag fees -

So you know which ones to murder, of course.

The gawker writer snark is strong in this one. I just usually sub out the word "white" and replace it with "black" in these types of articles, see if it still looks like something they'd write.. and of course it isn't. That usually sniffs out the loser writers.

"Does it even matter whether this is just the clueless desperation of a mortgage-choked suburban Dad Type, or passive-aggressive crypto-racist culture-warrior self-congratulation?"

Geez man, chill out. It's just a stupid video. You are in for a miserable life if you let harmless shit like this get to you. This

There must be something wrong with me because I don't mind this family. I live in Park Slope so I see the worst families daily and can guess none of them even know how to rap. Stop hating on these people because they're white and privileged and HAPPY. If this were a black family there would be no story.

Wait, are these people white? I couldn't quite figure it out from the copy. I eventually gave up trying to wade through all the self-loathing here.

I don't really like the videos, but I dislike your critique of them even more. It's as if you have a personal vendetta against these people. They're corny, but it's not really worth writing about. Especially with such vitriol.

Thank goodness this blogger named Al referenced the race of this family multiple times; I would have been unaware otherwise! And extra points for finding some way to fit in some sort of racism argument. This blog is the best!

When did it become ok to seriously criticize people for being white? This post is just whiny bullshit. Write about something real.

We get it. You're too cool to even like white people; much less be a white person. What kind of douche bag writes an entire blog about these douche bags?