
You are the amalgamation of every teenager that comments on NBA highlight clips on Youtube

Most of the Gawker writers must be a pain to be around in real life if this is the kind of stuff I see them get upset with day after day

It's almost as if they want the internet to have only what they like on it

This case wasn't about free speech, it was actually about ethics in gaming journalism

Because our meter isn't broken, unlike yours

NY pizza is so overrated. Sure, there are places that are amazing, but when it's late at night and you randomly choose a pizza spot the chances of you wandering into a shitty one are VERY high. At least you know what Pizza Hut / Domino's will be like every time.

Wow, for some reason I had no idea this game even existed. Going out and buying it tonight after reading this. Thanks for sharing!

"Flight attendants make your flight pleasant, safe and as trouble free as possible."

If we're stretching the meaning of the word noble, I propose that we include bankers too.

Well then, we can all be thankful we have you.

The knockout punch came quickly, and unless you were fully expecting the situation to have escalated to this level, you would have almost no time to react. Plus a few people actually were reaching in to try and stop it - I'm not sure what more you expect from them, Internet Tough Guy. An unprovoked attack, by its very

It's pretty well laid out in their contract of carriage.

If by "fuck paying customers over", you mean "following long-established rules regarding check-in times and procedures", then yeah I'd say United did him real good on this one.

I should've rounded up my posse and gone after these guys on horseback

Uhh, this recording can now be used as evidence against these scumbags, so I'd say he was doing a favor. Sorry not everyone is as heroic as you, O Great Defender of Justice.

I'm just going to piss quietly in the corner and hope for the best

That, and it's just a fact of life when you're living in a crowded city.

Yeah that's right. When there's not much traffic, you can actually move at a pretty decent clip (by Manhattan standards) when traveling on an avenue.


You named one thing