Ken Griffey III

He’s going to make a great Celtic in four or five years.

For some reason, I’m more inclined to listen to the football experience of someone who played at a recreational level with friends over a D-III player.

My best friend’s dad, the third string center on an 18 man team, concurs.

He’s A Dim Son...

Interesting to see how China handles this moving forward. The Ball’s in their court.

you can be whatever you choo choo choose to be.

Interesting philosophy...

If it makes you feel any better, just remember that this is what their lives have come to. Look at these people for what they are. Old, angry, most likely forced into retiring early, and ignorant. They’ll never change. This is what the rest of their miserable lives will look like. The two of them, sitting around,

The story’s author takes us into the living room of Johnstown resident Pam Schilling, a 60-year-old retiree who is already keyed up to vote for Trump in 2020:

LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.

If you look hard enough at the decision, it makes sense. But you really have to squint to see it.

Holding aside the grim possibility that Gar Forman and John Paxson grabbed up the options on these two bad players as face-saving measures, the Bulls are in no rush to make moves to improve their immediate outlook.

He’ll be “fine”, but I don’t know that he’s ever going to just flip a switch and become an above-average shooter. The comparison people seem to make a lot for his career possibilities is Jason Kidd, who was also fine! That would be a totally fine career for him. But...Jason Kidd was a career .400 shooter and had many

You just had to leave this joke hanging out there, didn’t you?

+1 drive by

The Aaron Rodgers Hit Was Legal, And That’s The Problem

Wilt’s involvement in trains is well documented

I figured someone WOOD bring this up.

I heard about this sort of thing... PRIOR ... to today’s events

Usually when someone from the Dolphins line fucks up this egregiously they at least do it more incognito.