Ken Griffey III

So many white New Balance.

Wow you actually did what he jokingly said someone would do.

The risks were obviously illuminated or the class action suit wouldn’t have happened in the first place. You’re not going to sue asbestos manufacturers before you know asbestos causes cancer. You get the research, double check the research, find someone was negligent, and then sue.

First of all, I’m not sure you understand how class action lawsuits work. Second of all, it is entirely possible Hernandez DIDN’T fully know risks that he was taking on, since the NFL actively has tried to conceal and obfuscate the risks of playing football. That was the whole point of the lawsuit you referenced.

If only Johnson had enough aides who couldhiv helped avoid such illicit contact.

This isn’t the first time Magic’s been harmed by illegal contact.

Give it time... the prices will raise again....

Fucking Totino’s pizza. I am 100% confident that I could eat all five of those at once.

How much is the Asparagus water now? was about $12/qt

Mayfield, a regional dairy that has higher quality than any other garbage pretending to be milk, is ~$4/gallon. $3.50 ain’t cheap for a half-gallon of high-quality milk.

This - even at Stop & Shop, it’s still more. $4+ for the name brand stuff.

They don’t need or rely on the staples to bring people in. Nobody goes to Whole Foods specifically for the staples. They just need the staples to at least be competitive. Lots of people specifically DON’T go to Whole Foods because the staples are (were?) too damn expensive comparatively. People don’t want to have

It’s still all overpriced. Ten dollars for a 2lb rotisserie chicken? Sorry. I’ll stop at Costco and get at 3lb one for $5.

I am a poor fat slob but, now I’m going to shop at Whole Foods, freak those skinny bitches out. I’m sure me asking “where the Velvita and Farmer John hot dogs at?” is going to go over huge. I can see them now making a bee line for the door muttering something about Sprouts for life.

How long before they start creeping the prices up again without telling anyone?

ha ha i don’t blame you, but the rest of us enjoyed the fruits of your labor, so thanks for that

And the Whole Foods employees are paying for it in 3... 2...

“...she paid a very steep price for something she readily admitted...” after failing a drug test because she and her team, uh, failed to click a link that would have told her that the drug was banned? Listen, I’m actually high right now, so I don’t want to get all holier-than-thou, but she readily admitted using