
What??? Dude you are very confused. You are talking about the substance of a conversation between the Patriots (a third party) and Garoppolo’s lawyer. No part of that conversation is privileged such that the lawyer could not share it with another client, i.e., Brady. The problem arises only if the lawyer shares the

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

I have been avoiding my great grandson Brocklynn who would like to take me to this, the 118th and allegedly penultimate Avengers film. We have been seeing these films together since time immemorial, obviously since the time when nuclear family structures and live births were the norm, as opposed the the much improved

I think we’ve found the author of the GOP tax bill.

[the preceding dialogue consists of Derek Jeter talking to himself in front of a mirror while Dire Straits plays in the background]

“So Mr. Jeter, with our standard ticket price, multiplied by an expected season ticket holder base of ... let me see ... zero ... we can expect season ticket revenues of ... sorry, just let me grab my calculator ... zero dollars.”

The DOJ is actually part of the Executive Branch, the branch Trump is the head of. So it seems he’s admitting to running the “Deep State” himself.

Now that’s some tape Rex Ryan will actually study.

For the second consecutive New Year’s Day, Arizona Arians lose one of their own.

team’s reaction

Guess my kinja is becoming a bills kinja. so be it

This is the ne plus ultra of bad takes.

“Penultimate” For the last 150 years it was “Next to last” and then, like three years ago, somebody dusted off a Latin book and pulled this diddy out, probably ironically, and now everybody fires it off all the time with no regard for the fact that the next to last of anything isn’t particularly interesting at all.


Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.

Sounds like this guy is rotten to his core.

[reads headline]

Haisley’s a Patriots fan? On top of everything else? Man, fuck that guy.

the Astros’ head physician

Gather ‘round, kids.