I ... apologize in advance for any future wars, media or otherwise, that may result from their publication.
I ... apologize in advance for any future wars, media or otherwise, that may result from their publication.
Thank God - I’ve had enough coverage of Tiger’s bone going places it shouldn’t to last a lifetime.
I have one in process, but it is taking as lot longer than I thought to cut all the individual letters out of ten different magazines and newspapers.
You are real turd. You was hate Kentucky! You sound like a crybaby. Nobody even knows you. Too much hate coming from you.
Those are the faces I make when my dad uses the waiter’s first name and says something like “My boy had his eye on that queso, but he’s too timid to ask for it!” or “My son here loves his Diet Cokes! So keep ‘em comin, Trey! Haha!” while he grabs my shoulder and shakes me.
Who said it was a problem
They probably liked the fact that RG3's knee isn’t even capable of bending.
“Johnny should have known that we don’t know what we should have known that he was known not to know we he or we were knowing what either of us were doing knowingly or unknowingly.” - The Browns
just to add, the guy was fired as manager of the Mexican national team becase he and his teenage daughter assaulted a journalist.
Also, whatever man, give Giovinco and Jozy credit for their individual skills on the go-ahead goal:
A chubby guy who likes to stir up controversy with bombast, a dismissive attitude towards neighboring countries and seemingly fantastical accusations of unfairness is exactly the guy you’d expect to Make América Great Again.
Yeah, a month ago, I was hoping that they could somehow sneak into a 5 or 6 seed and have a shot at making the second round. Now, even if they make the playoffs, they’re likely to get steamrolled by Harden and Co in the first week. But it’s not like they’re in the mix for a high lottery pick anyway, so I’m still…
Lucky guy, I usually have pay extra to have a hooker punch me in the nuts.
Sky Sports placard: “Feel It All”.
I was a goaltender for 20+ years so I’ll try to explain the best I can. Though it might be long.
Skaters (non-goaltenders) do tend to attach a kind of reverence and mystique to their goalies, which might lessen if players in other positions were allowed to step in net, but mostly it’s just that goaltending skills are largely orthogonal to those used by forwards and defensemen: blocking, catching, dropping to the…
No, arming teachers is still dumber.
“Savvidis’s ire was piqued after PAOK appeared to score a game-winning goal right at the end of the match”
Why does everything always have to be about Barcelona, Billy?
Joel Embiid needs to be Joel Em-bed, right?