
People get all upset with the idea of taxpayers supporting the royal family, and then when they try to save some money and make their wedding a potluck, they all complain about how tacky it is not to spend money on canapes. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS, YA FILTHY PLEBS.

barbie’s current shoe choices are a problem with me. I don’t like the flat foot!

IDK if I should feel sad about her and Drake not being friends anymore or not. But I forgot that dude was really laying it on thick at the VMAs...

Yeah, not at all. Obviously math is a huge part of poker skill, and Konnikova has said in several interviews that while psychology was a huge part of her approach, she’s learned and implemented a lot of math. 


Great article full of the nuance I think we all want from these national “conversations”. With that said I’m curious to hear others ideas on strategies to make the democratic party more active in fixing issues in our communities. I understand that taking back statehouses might help but how do we demand that issues

So much of the current discourse revolves around people simply wanting to say whatever they want to say without push back. And our current culture puts idiots, charlatans and hustlers on level playing ground with scholars, journalist and people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about.

Exactly, what makes people think that their comfort is more important than a whole group’s freedom. I swear, the most pervasive fear in the world is having to think before saying or doing something. “Oh no, I might have to pause a minute and reconsider my headlong sprint into some fuckboi shit!”

I’ll let the stick figure and the cartoon explain to people who are still unclear...

Exactly. Like when I say that Solange is the more interesting Knowles and Latoya and Latavia did nothing wrong. I am fully prepared to be stalked and murdered by The Hive.

I did not know that man had that body.
I am seriously reconsidering my ranking of the Chrises.

He is goofy-looking and still 647 light years ahead of Pratt.

Hemsworth took that crown in November and has yet to give it up.

Kim can start by going away. She’s not okay, either.

This. How many taxi drivers still only take cash (regardless of what the city has mandated), have no mobile app, and the second they realize you’re a tourist, will take you the absolute most expensive route?

True story: Every Saturday I would wake up and take her to this magic and game shop that was in a huge house in the middle of the city. They would play Pokemon all day. (To be fair, many of them were playing Magic, The Gathering).

I think Kanye is confusing status with freedom, and like many POC who have had status removed from them for one reason or another, he could find that with status removed he is just another crazy brother with a risky mouth.

I thought about the comic books stores entry too, and was like, yeah, seems right (sadly). Except my now local comic book store is crazy inclusive and it was jarring at first—and has spoiled me forever.

I still think he meant “Free Thots”...he’s surrounded by a lot of them.