"Isn't that your purse?"
"Isn't that your purse?"
And I loved Jared's response. "Oh, Richard, no . . ."
I mean, come on, Andy. Surely there are more critically acclaimed comedies with doctor roles to fill. http://nypost.com/2016/05/2…
Not a lot of money out there for improv comedians, so a lot of them do a bunch of commercials (Middleditch, Andy Daly, Lauren Lapkus, Nick Wiger, Tim Baltz, etc.) Hell, one of the most beloved and respected improv performers in the country, T.J. Jagodowski, will always be known by most Americans as "one of those two…
I'm still waiting for the gang to "accidentally" call China on Silly Cone Vale E.
Exactly! Two mysteries solved at once.
I'm not joking. The place where the Others kept Jack in Season 3 after he, Kate, and Sawyer were captured was formerly a tank for sharks when Dharma ran the show.
Dharma shark wasn't unresolved, Jack even lived in his house for a little while.
Keep what the show was bad at (the sci-fi) and get rid of what it was good at (the characters/relationships)? No thanks.
The Island wasn't purgatory. The flash sideways/church was, but the Island was real. Do people still not get this?
(Looks at calendar) Hey, April 16 IS this week!
Sandra was toast the second she was put on a tribe with Zeke. I honestly think he's the only person there with enough game-savvy to keep his alliance on task with voting out Sandra no matter what else happens at tribal.
Director's wife (Tori?) - Funny Face (French cafe dancing scene)
"Obviously JT telling Brad that his tribe was voting for Sierra allowed them to use the idol on the correct person."
Or the Wendy's episode with Paul Rust. But what can I say, I love Claudia O'Doherty.
Haven't watched this episode yet, just here to say you should be listening to Doughboys, Mike Mitchell's (and Nick Wiger's) hilarious chain restaurant podcast. If you haven't heard it, and like Love, start with the Baja Fresh episode, with guest Claudia O'Doherty.
Thanks for saying so — I agree that's what's great about Top Chef and the comments here.
Fair enough. I obviously don't read Brooke the same way that you do, but that's ok. I'm personally pulling for Sheldon to win it all — I like all three of them, but I think Sheldon "needs" the win the most (to go from a regional chef loved by TC fans to, in Tom's words "taking his place among the world's greatest…
One person's chuckle is another's cackle, I guess. But again, I'm just not sure I understand the standard you're holding Brooke to here. Is she not supposed to try to win? She's playing the game, and anyone who wouldn't assign Katsuji to John hasn't been paying attention. (Guaranteed Sheldon would do the same…
True, but who wouldn't? I would fully understand Sheldon or Shirley not loving LCK if they lose to her, and fighting as hard as they can to come back if they end up on LCK in a future season.