
"Speaking of: Can we get a miniseries of what happens to the Russian stuck in space when the zombie apocalypse breaks out? How does he kill himself?"

I had tickets to the show in DC, but didn't go because of an impending ice/snow storm (I live and work in Baltimore and it was on a weeknight, so the weather was that much more of an issue). I'm very glad that I now get to see the show on Netflix.

How has nobody mentioned yet that he's the Wiz? He's the Wiz! Here's a fact — he's the Wiz!

I guess I'm mostly alone in that I really enjoyed the season. I thought Danielle Brooks knocked it out of the park and that a number of other elements of the show (Gloria and Maria, Flaca and Maritza, Cindy, Allison, and Janae running things, the Suzanne storyline) mostly worked. And I've never understood the

Ned Stark could be an asshole, for sure. And moral absolutism? I'm not saying Dany is evil because she isn't vocal enough in her support for same-sex adoption or because she refuses to consider a two-state solution for Israel. I'm saying it because she's willing to kill anybody because she thinks she's owed the

I think it would be cool if small council meetings were more like British Parliment.

Yeah, they're all assholes. I guess Jon is the least asshole? At least he treats the Wildlings like human beings.

It's not revisionist, though. The seeds have been there since the beginning. She had no legitimate campaign to stall when she was in Slaver's Bay; if she had the ships and the manpower, she woulda been out. The dragon who killed the baby never got locked up, and now that he's back, things are peachy-keen. The "no

Disagree right back atcha. She's a conqueror obsessed with taking a position of power she believes belongs to her because her dad lost the job after killing a bunch of his subjects. Every place she's conquered has turned to shit (minus slavery, which I'll obviously grant you is good). She's the mother of dragons

Or, for an older HBO corollary, think of Sopranos season 6. (Although that was 21 episodes. Holy moly!)

Heel turn nothing! Danny's already a bad guy, she always has been, the great trick of the show has been convincing us otherwise.

That's not Yara, it's Cat! (No really I think it's Yara, just poking the truthers.)

I think The Leftovers is far and away the best current tv drama — nothing else on tv comes close to it in the way it hits me like a ton of bricks and stays with me for days. I used to think BCS and Fargo were 2A and 2B, but watching the 3rd seasons at the same time has made me realize Fargo is a distant 3rd to BCS in

I won't dispute your point about nitroglycerin, because I don't know anything about it, but aren't pills that are taken sublingually always in tablet form? I don't think a capsule like that would easily dissolve under the tongue.

Particularly because he appeared to be complaining that they made his martini with gin instead of vodka. You gotta specify if you want a vodka martini, buddy! When us real grown-ups just say "martini", we mean gin.

Clearly the airplane at the end means Meg is on Oceanic Flight 815 in the flash-sideways.

"My mind is in darkness now. My God! I am sick, I've been used, and you knew all the time. God! I'll never know why you chose me for your crime, your foul, bloody crime. You have murdered me!"

100%. Whether it was a good move or bad move for her or anyone else, I don't really care — I'm just happy that Sarah saved the season for me. Next week looks like a bunch of random scheming threesomes! Much better than an awful boring "top 6." (The move will make me like that group going forward more too. Debbie

Depends on how it's cooked. That burger sure had the appearance of one cooked on a flat-top in partially-hydrogenated oils.