You're both talking about last week's episode, that's why it's not in this review.
You're both talking about last week's episode, that's why it's not in this review.
I only wish we got more of niece Denise singing Ottawanna Go To Bed. I want to see her take on "Manitoba, Manitoba, grown-ass Manitoba." And someone should have done Pleep Ploop.
"Don't swettle for swubstiswuits!"
I don't disagree with your perspective, but the very first East-West Bowl ended with a single white guy, from BYU, named "Dan Smith". Hard to miss that there was always a racial component with the funny names. (For the record, I totally agree with Sokudoningyou — there's a racial component to almost everything Key &…
Had to re-watch on the DVR to pause on the magazine covers, which were pretty great. The best was the bottom of Schoolboy Magazine, right under the picture naming Schoolboy Q as "Man of the Year", where it said "Finally somebody with the same name as this magazine".
For some reason, the guide on my DVR didn't have the patented "NEW" in a blue block for this episode (although it didn't have the patented "REPEAT" in a gray block either). Good thing for On Demand!
I went to the stock market today. I did a business.
Also too easy. Austin, Texas and Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'll let you figure out which city is the answer to which question.
Worst fans are in Philly. That's too easy. Next question.
Yeah, I'm charmed by Stacy too, for some reason. And now they should force her to make scallops every episode. Or at least say "scallops" every episode.
This show was so great at mindfucks. This. The introduction to Juliet in the Season 3 premiere. The first flash forward. The flash sidewa . . . ok, so they didn't all work, but still.
You must consider them different generations, because although I love Jake Johnson, this much is clear — he cannot hold a candle to Adam Scott in the field of acting intoxicated.
This is why I should read before commenting. But man, that part was so great.
My favorite Romany Malco bit —
"I'm from the government and I'm here to inspect your chicken nuggets!" should immediately bump the grade to AT LEAST a B.
You made a joke about Alta Vista by referencing Earthlink?
Pawnee is all about Alta Vista, man.
The U2 side project?
Well, you're obviously not talking about LOST . . .
Ok, first and first-mostly, his name is very much Robert Bruschia, aka Bobby B, aka Bobby Bottleservice . . .