The Pope of Chilitown

Great use of Laurie this episode. From finding out this is her 4th child, to her revealing to Monica that Monica is her best friend.

Coming up next, 'Pre-Taped Call In Show'.

Hot dog, we have a weiner

Good guitar is the main thing I focus on with music, so I have lots of solos that I like, but 2 that have really stood the test of time for me are:

I can totally see someone asking who the father is, and her replying with a puzzled "Father? Oh, you mean because I'm pregnant."

My dad always told me that when you're getting a prostate exam, one hand on your shoulder = ok; both hands on your shoulders = time to find a new proctologist.

I like the payoff from the earlier scene with the niece too.

Oof, that scene with the gangsters…

"Father, I'm telling everyone!"

I'm going to fall back on what we learned in Physics class. A potential man is a lazy POS sitting at his computer not moving.

I joke about Giada's T-Rex arms a lot to my foodie friends, but seriously look at that first frame of the video, they're 1/2 the size of Kidman's!

I'm pouring out a jar of jelly beans right now…

Nowhere near his best, but one that still sticks with me is from when he was on the MTV Half-Hour Comedy Hour. Also not 100% verbatim:

This is the thing I get hung up on as well. Just wanting monogamy doesn't make you some sort of closed-minded weirdo!

Everyone's your dance mom 'til the rent comes due.

My gold standard for "Wow, that's so old" is when we're introduced to Bridget Fonda in Singles and she says she's 24. 24! Teenaged-me could hardly imagine such a thing.

It's going to do a full 360º!

I, for one, would absolutely enjoy bourbon applesauce. When I think of the time I'd save every morning not having to use a syringe to inject the bourbon into the apples like I'm doing now…

No Beniker Gang?!

I almost wonder if it's intentional to a degree. "Remember how shitty everyone looked on the EW cover? Whatever else you think of this movie/TV show, at least the characters look better than they did on that cover, amirite??"