
How does one go from “Bush doesn’t care about black people” to supporting the most overtly racist president in US history?

“Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy”

I recall way too many jr. high and high school classrooms where girls learned to keep their coats draped over their laps when seated at their desks because male teachers would sit at the front of the room and try to look up students’ skirts. I honestly think the ‘distract the boys’ excuse is just a way to cover for a

I actually believe the real reason is that the adults at the school are deeply uncomfortable seeing the developed bodies of their students. It has nothing to do with the male students, they’re just an excuse. It’s the adult men and women who can’t keep their eyes (and sometimes hands) to themselves and want to blame

Bret Easton Ellis is trash.

Why is Amber Tamblyn with David Cross?

Lol, so basically you are feeling kind of indignant about that one small sentence?

Nothing. He has nothing over him. Paul has always been a self serving hack, and he was always going to vote for Pompeo. Anyone who believed otherwise wasn’t paying attention.

“No one knows,” he tells her in a conspiratorial whisper.

Why not? Dude is telling you who he is, and you’re still saying “nah, he didn’t mean that.”

So, it’s basically documentary about Amy.

Want to know how I know Bernie is garbage?

He’s also pretty abusive of the Party he yearns to lead. He calls us corrupt and “just as bad as Republicans.” I’m not voting for that kind of shithead, especially since he does it as a coordinated strike aimed at appeasing the deplorables over in the Trump camp. 

The biggest and greatest and most dangerous lie America has told itself about Donald Trump’s election is that if anyone other than Hillary Clinton had run against him, they would’ve won and done it convincingly.

The “deplorable” comment was not what did her in. Neither was being disliked. There were enough people that, even if they didn’t like her, still preferred her and would have voted for you IF THEY VOTED. She didn’t do enough to make those people believe that she actually gave a shit about them to make them get out and

“‘Oh, what’s the point? They’re never going to like me.’”

But without the farm, there would be no wood to chop, and with no wood to chop, there would not be this:

I’m not fussed. This is what equality looks like. Hell, be glad he was overpaid by the NBA or she would have probably had to cough up more $$$$.

Dear Parents,

Everyone who beat me to the comments section is wondering what kind of parents let their 9-year-old go to Coachella, and I guess I glazed right over that because I was wondering what kind of parents let their 9-year-old daughter hang out with Chief Keef.