
Listen, I sometimes watch the re-runs of this show when it comes on USA and there is nothing else on (so I’m an expert), and I’ll bet all the money in my wallet (that is, by the way, very little money) that they’re going to kill the adult children’s mother and by “significant” they mean will have a lasting impression

You do realize that the Savage x Fenty collection is lingerie, right? That particular piece is probably not supposed to be’s supposed to be sexy.

I suspect that people keep bringing it up because, according to reports and documents that have been released, he still has very limited visitation allowed with the children and there is a little too much smoke there for there to be zero fire. Especially since his oldest child doesn’t want to have contact with him.

I read this book in college and realized after I finished it that I had almost zero emotional connection to anything that happened. I’ve noticed it on my bookshelf a few times lately and wondered if I should go back and try again - maybe I was just doing too much school-related reading to really dig into it. This makes a fair point. I think the show is bullshit and it never should have been greenlit, but they’ve put marketing money into it so all the petitions in the world aren’t going to stop them from showing it.

We are all adults here (likely) we can make our own choices, including what to watch and what not to watch. Making things taboo doesn’t help anything or anyone.

Oh yeah. I generally think fat people want to lose weight. Why would a fat person want to remain fat? From what I’ve seen it’s not a desirable state. As a self described fat person, please share with me the benefits of being fat and why you don’t want to lose weight. If you make a good argument, I may just let myself

Of course no one is forced to watch it, but young girls will and they’ll get in their head that the only thing they need to do to be liked, to get revenge, to feel better, to be prettier is lose weight. And they’ll make themselves stop eating - because you can’t count on some guy punching you in the face so you need

She loses the weight by having her jaw WIRED SHUT. Do you want young kids thinking that’s a desirable way to shed pounds?

Yeah, that’s a very odd thing for him to say. “She didn’t pitch a fit.” Umm...that’s exactly what she did, on her official Twitter account. Not pitching a fit and handling it well would mean moving the fuck on with her life and only commenting that “yeah, it happened” when/if asked. Or, and here’s a novel idea, not

That is... a point that I actually hadn’t considered. I don’t know enough about the law to dispute that, but I’d think it wouldn’t be that hard for him to prove that what she did was akin to naming him, especially since she hasn’t come out and said it wasn’t him as he was getting fired and blamed for it. But, again,

Oh god, I didn’t realize Slack was down until I saw this post. Thanks, actually. Now I know I need to go over and actually speak to my boss to tell her I’m taking a long lunch.

I’ve wondered about this too - the reaction was surprisingly quick. Like they were ready and waiting. Also, he has very clear and obvious proof that he has lost work and money since the allegations came out. If he was really innocent I would think that he would immediately announce his intention to sue her for

This! He’s given them the only thing they really wanted or needed...control of the Court. As long as they have that then they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want, up to and including gerrymandering the hell out of the country and gutting voting rights so they can keep their power in the Executive and

That was confusing to me too...if they are also impoverished and come from high poverty schools then they’d have the same opportunities. My guess though is that maybe they’re just a little bit above that cut off and come from the more middling schools. They’re right above the poverty level and have been using that

Arya tried to tell us...

I think this year I’ve moved past loving her because she just has nothing else to offer, but her bullshit. (And I think she’s knows it and is getting desperate.) Honestly, I don’t even think I would have missed her if she wasn’t on this season and that feels like the kiss of death for a “Real Housewife.”

Yeah. I don’t care what you feel and I bet the judge doesn’t either. I don’t know what their expenses are or what their children’s expenses are and neither do you, but the judge does and this is the number they settled on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

The life they’ve become accustomed to. It’s also based on that. So, sure, maybe she could survive on $8,000 a month, but not in the home she’s currently living in, or even the zip code, and not with her children going to the schools they’re currently going to. They should them off? When they’re with him

The wrinkle thing with the Ascot dress drove me crazy because half the time what people were nitpicking wasn’t even actual wrinkles, it was the lace detail at the waist. They just didn’t realize it.