
You do know that TMZ is making money off of them because they literally sell access and stories to TMZ, right? It’s not like they’re out living their lives like normal people and suddenly TMZ pops up from the bushes, that’s not how it works with these people. They tell TMZ where they are, they sell TMZ stories, they

Even if he fully supported Trump and/or Brexit there is literally no way in hell I believe Harry would talk about it with a man he barely knows, I don’t care who that man’s daughter is. Not happening...not today, not tomorrow, not ever and anyone “reporting” on it should know that too. It’s too bad that this man

I feel like there have been multiple questions about the whole skin-to-skin thing lately which is very confusing to me. Like, do people really not know that skin-to-skin contact is suggested for babies? I have nieces and nephews, but no children of my own and I’ve known this for years. And if I hadn’t already known,

Yeah, I totally believe this conversation took place and Harry, who probably looks over his shoulder twice before discussing politics with family members, told someone he barely knows his feelings on Brexit and Trump.

I agree.

It’s a good thing I said a six month period (and used past tense) and not right now then isn’t it? Reading comprehension is your friend. Also, it must be nice not to have to, you know, pay bills and stuff. What’s that like?

Yeah. That’s exactly what I was thinking. You take that pay because they hired you when you hadn’t done Girls Trip. I don’t get to retroactively negotiate my yearly salary based on this one really good thing I did in July...I have to wait until the next year to use that success. This is the case in any job, really.

Not for nothing, because I don’ t think you’re wrong in your disgust, but it isn’t Jeff and Gage not paying (though I’m sure they wouldn’t either)...she’s suing the network. And even if they are named in the suit I’m sure the network wouldn’t let them settle as long as Bravo is also named.

Yeah. I was completely baffled. I do think she, understandably, became more and more uncomfortable as time went on, but I would have thought the initial contract negotiations would have shut that shit down.

I mean...they were both getting paid either way. She could have been a surrogate for another couple and the season was moving forward regardless of whether he chose her or not. But...probably. LOL. I’m sure there was some incentive for either or both of them.

My mom is in love with this show and I’ve watched some (okay, a lot) of it with her and every time it got into the surrogacy stuff it made me feel so uncomfortable. They were clearly not a good match for each other. I’m honestly not sure why either side went forward with it. She was very uncomfortable around the

Except 16 year old allegations are often what lead to someone coming forward with 6 month or 6 day old allegations. I’m not saying that will necessarily be the case here, but it takes one person to pull the plug on the dam and more likely than not it’s going to be someone who sat on their information for years and is

I say this as the third child of three...more than two is too many. I mean, I was a complete accident and I’m totally happy my mom made the choice to keep me, but if I wasn’t 5 years younger than my brothers I honestly don’t know how she would have done it.

There was a six month period of my life where about 85-90% of my emails started with “per my previous email” and I wanted to kill everyone I came in contact with. It took everything in my body not to just say, “I told you this would happen you fucking idiots.” or “Pay attention. I don’t write this shit for my health.”

That’s sort of what I thought too...they look good and get the easy win. I mean, that’s honestly really no different from male-led Ocean’s movies. At least the newest ones - I haven’t seen the originals.

Yeah, she definitely went in for routine cosmetic maintenance of some sort. I think the only reason this is really a question is because it’s Trump so really anything is possible, but the face lift (or something else) is definitely most likely.

So she knows enough about Jarrett to be talking shit about her on Twitter, to call her a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and to say she “controls human beings, prevents their uprising,” but not enough to know she’s black.

Okay. Two things:

I think it is at least in part because she’s wading into territory she knows nothing about and, in a lot of ways, inextricably linking this woman’s freedom to her own choices. What if Kanye goes on another Twitter rant tomorrow only this time he’s flipped his lid and is pissed at Trump? Do you really think Trump won’t