3rd Ward Calliope
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Thanks. I’d much rather talk about Cash Money or No Limit than this. Here’s a good short documentary on Calliope’s best product.

He’s only a hero to those inclined to view immature emotional response and negligence as heroic. This childish airing of dirty laundry will hurt Labour and help the Conservatives. Horrible strategy. O’Mara might be terrible, but Arnold is a top notch fool.

Anything but. I just know how to read between the lines. In fact, for me the lines are so far apart that I am able to live entirely between them.

I will not agree to that as I do not consider myself confused even a little. Consider our situation. I have used cunning to lure a fascist across multiple pages of an Anti Fascist website. You will never be able to erase those digital footsteps and when we take power in 2020 Antifa will be part of the future coalition

You wouldn’t be referring to Russian mathematician Andrey Markov, would you? I... can’t help but wonder. Of all the mathematicians that have ever existed you chose one from... Russia. Interesting.

Debating? Is that what we are doing here? Or am I rendering your fascistic tendencies impotent by means of confusion? Even your grandest victory is a loss by my standards.

Can’t impeach without the peaches. Georgia is a purple state now and it’s really important that we carry it in 2020. For all her faults, Hillary made some truly impressive inroads with those people as evidenced by Ossoff’s huge Beto-esque popularity and Stacey Abrams’ overnight celebrity status. Time for the next

Oh no no no. I don’t think so. You are not backpeddling out of the trap I’ve laid for you, a trap into which you fell face first. I have found you out. You are a fascist and I am an Anti-Facist. In fact, I am discussing exactly this on another article, one that oddly enough was posted during our exchange here. Funny

Did anybody else read the title as: Ted Cruz Has a Genius Plan to Take Down Africa

The fascist in you finally reveals itself. No surprises here. I saw it a mile away. Foresight and anticipation are products of objectivity and stoicism, traits I posses in unmeasurable quantities but unfortunately lacking sorely in fascists such as yourself.

I don’t accept friendship requests from fascists either. I don’t debate them and I don’t make friendships with them online. You’re wasting your time here.

Yeah it does.

Can we get more of these posts without titles? I like how they’re short and how they don’t have titles.

I debate with lots of folks. I don’t debate with fascists. Goodbye.

Are you saying that Hitler wasn’t an innovator?

If you eat fast food as a leftover you should be jailed. It’s awful enough to eat it after its initial reheating.

De Blasio is not an innovator. He sleeps until 10am or later every day. Look it up. He’s lazy, not smart. And blackouts happen. No big deal.

Sorry, I don’t debate with fascists.

Great idea, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t put millions of folks in jail for using it and selling it while she was California AG. Not to mention every other candidate is gonna do this same thing. 

Fascism has a definition, actually: