3rd Ward Calliope

Ok you win. Fine, what you say is true.

Warren’s record as a prosecutor and Cal’s AG is really problematic. Almost as problematic as the way she got there: By having intimate relations with Willie Brown.

Enough with the Sanders bashing. He might be our best shot to take down Trump.

The original version was in French.

Your impression of my comment does not discredit it.

Wrong. The poem is there because France saw in us then the same thing that immigrants today see in us now. They see hope, change, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of the American Dream. They see a land that not only welcomes them but needs them. They see opportunity. They see us and, well, they see themselves.

Is that the plaque that France put on the Statue of Liberty when they gave it to us?

I think there’s something going on here. Is he dumb enough to make this type of Freudian slip so often or does he just seem dumb enough to routinely have such accidents, thereby planting the seeds of anti-immigration in the heads of his viewers and... anyone else who is exposed to his slips. As in everyone reading

You honestly sound jealous.

You are so upset that you had to dismiss my last reply to you. Don’t be upset. It’s all fun and games. 

That’s implicit in the Green New Deal.

delusions of grandeur...

It’s never unsustainable until it’s default time.

Saddiq Kahn - or anyone else - would be better than Jam Master Boris J.

This is just you saying you really don’t like Boris J. 

Are you being sarcastic? Zoomers are actual Nazis. Do you know any?

After Brexit destroys the UK and they fall into severe economic depression they will do the right thing and elect Saddiq Kahn as PM.


Any math understander will tell you that the debt is already unpayable. There’s no point in having a ceiling in outer space. Get rid of the law and let’s just freely spend until it blows up. It’s going to regardless.

I really don’t understand why they want to bring Mueller in to testify. We know that Trump colluded with Russia. Are they trying to get him to perjure himself? Isn’t there a risk that the GOP asks him about all the insane conspiracy theory FISA court nonsense and that gets drummed up again in the media? Just seems