
Yeah, can we stop with all this racism shit PLEASE! It’s ruining my day.

What’s wrong with these people?

I’m making a personal call on this behaviour because of my opinions on a described event. AND because the women in the story seems to share my view of what is expected. Plus he didn’t discuss this with her. She may well not have had a problem with it if he had. 

I’m terrible with numbers but I successfully work in inches, millimeters and even picas (type gods be damned). We all have phones that can do the heavy lifting so yeah it all comes down to communication (ie. labelling).

Yeah they’re equally precise, I feel people prefer Metric because it seems neater.

It’s worse than that if you’re in to cooking. Cups and sticks, what, the, fuck!

Agreed, I left the UK with a most unhelpful understanding of measurements that still messes with me 15 years later. 

Kink shame? We’re not talking about a guy who likes a finger up the bum OR someone who discussed his preference with his partner (newsflash: she didn’t like it).

Holy shit, that seems bizarre to me but you’re cool with it so who cares.

Yeah, having fun is totally allowed when you’re both in on the joke.

...just trying to keep their careers afloat by holding onto their House seats.

hmm, nah.

Legit, will use later. Thanks.

Shh, we don’t talk about Kolob until they’ve been sold on Angel Gabriel’s gold hieroglyph bible and Native Americans are decedents of Moses’ Israelites - who created a massive civilisation in north America (with horses and wheels, thousands of years before the Europeans bought them), but then went to war with each

Wait... The gordian knot was solved by simply cutting it, not by untangling it. In this J-Kush doesn’t need Palestine or Israel. He can fuck shit up on his own.

This is my prayer. He’s the oblivious king of selective amnesia but I want his unpopularity to fester. I want the stories and oversight to continue.

Gonna be honest, I did not expect the happy ending there.

Splinter alone has done 14 stories on these idiots in just the last 3 years. And while you ridicule them you legitimise their status by making them news worthy. If Linton gets on RHWs then you’re part of the reason. basically an image of exactly where this election is headed.

I live in NZ so don’t officially have Amazon here. It’s only a matter of time of course (same with Ikea) and I’m concerned how it will effect us.