
Obviously, this is just a stunt to establish his bonafides to run for President as a Republican.

Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.”

Welcome to Kotaku?

Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.

I wish they would add support for PC. I tried them on the PS5 demo and they are indeed cool but, playing on PC while using the Dualsense via hard wire I don’t even get rumble smh.

...let me tell you about a game called Final Fantasy XIII.

Yeah, Remake finally confirmed I was bi. It stops short of outright confirming anything - and I expect it will, unfortunately, probably continue to do so - but wow this game gets horny, and they made almost everyone hot[ter], and... just a dream. I know Hades was a lot of people’s Big Horny Game of 2020, and it does

Or option C, which most people seem to have forgotten - paying full price for a fully featured experience!

Heck, Bethesda has released Skyrim 27 times in the time it’s taken CIG to not release Star Citizen once!

Two thoughts:

It Is 2021. Star Citizen Has Raised $400,000,000, And Is Still Not Out.

Watched it last night. I am going to need folks to stop calling it the best movie of the year. It had some good parts and it had some parts that were just stupid. I can watch Regina King do anything.

“I don’t have smallpox. Those are Freedom Pimples.”

You left out the two most important things - hospitalization and death. The vaccine is remarkably effective at preventing those two things. You also ignored the fact that if 98% of people at Duke hadn’t been vaccinated, then probably more than 3,000 people would have been infected. You know what struggles more against

So, I found someone on Twitch named Nobody, but they only have 7 followers. What a waste of an epic name.

I think Sony’s been selling them directly from their site since launch. Iirc, there was a similar signup to this one last year and I personally got my invite to buy one at around August.

The majority of cases were in the country’s second largest state of Victoria,

The lockdowns and masks worked exactly as they said they would, but you should hear the howls of the cockwombles all over the world saying it’s ruining the economy and causing hardship. Because, you know, massive death is so much better.

“Look at the new Saints Row in action!”

Warner Bros. isn’t going to shell out the same amount of money they gave to Zack Snyder to complete his cut of the Justice League, so let’s hope Ayer’s Suicide Squad doesn’t require any reshoots or additional footage.